Winner, Winner

Congratulations to Cheryl from Crayons and Curls! You are the winner of the $10 Starbucks giftcard and my Count by 2's and 5's unit.

Please email me at with your email and your mailing address! Thanks so much everyone for entering!

11 in 11

I cannot believe another year is gone. Where does time go? It seems to go so much quicker now that I have a little one. I am joining up with Kristin at A Teeny Tiny Teacher for her 11 in 11 linky party.

11. Favorite Movie you watched I ADORE any movie with dancing.  Like I am totally obessed. And just so you know..footloose is my favorite song. Everytime I have too many a drink while we are boating I have to flip to Footloose and My hubby took me to see it and I warned him I would have a hard time not getting up in the theater and busting a move...I think he was a little scared! (Can we say I would die for her body?)

10. Favorite TV series

I don't watch a whole lot of TV. I'm on Pinterest too much, but one show I DVR every week and watch is Modern Family. I LOVE Cameron. He Like pee in your pants laugh. I cannot get enough of him and I seriously need him as a BFF in my life.

9. Favorite Restaurant

Okay...I so DON'T eat Sushi or anything "fancy" at all, but I love this place near our hometown. It is a hibachi grill that is FAB.U.LOUS. I get teriyaki chicken but It is a heart attack waiting to happen, but yummy!

8. Favorite new thing you tried.

Having a teaching blog. I've had a personal blog for 5 years or so, but once I found teaching blogs I knew I had to do it! I've had so much fun and met so many AMAZING teachers. Y'all have the best ideas ever!

7. Favorite Gift Your Received
Hmmmm. This year...that is hard. I have a wonderful husband/family. The most recent gift I got for Christmas that I am oh so excited about are these frames from Poppy Tree Frames

My mom got me 3 and it's a small addiction. I need more! Aren't they cute? They come in all of these colors? I got them in sweet pea, timber wolf, and pink parfait. I gotta get more!

6. Favorite Thing You Pinned

Uh...I'm addicted to Pinterest. I love it!!!! I love everything I've pinned. The one I have referred to the most lately is this picture (hence the frames I got for Christmas). I want this exact wall in our new house!

5. Favorite Blog Post

Probably the post where I introduce Holly Bloggy Christmas. How much fun was that?

4. Favorite Accomplishment

I think opening my Teachers Notebook store. I've been creating things for years for my classroom but never posted anything for sale. I'm a little slow because I've had to re-do things to make sure I'm not breaking any copyright laws!

3. Favorite Picture

Any picture of my little girl I am all about. I think she's pretty stinkin' cute.

2. Favorite Memory

Hmmm. I have lots but this is one I will never forget. I worked so hard to plan the PERFECT birthday for my daughter. I really enjoy doing it. It is stressful but worth it in the end. I got the cutest cupcakes made for Lilly to take to her class at daycare. Well, my sweet husband let her carry them in. She was 2. Picture a 2 year old carrying her big box of cupcakes in to class, carrying the box sideways. He texted me and told me that he wasn't sure what they would look like but he let her carry them in. I swear I almost had a panic attack. I texted her teacher and asked her if they looked bad. She texted me the picture and said "I'll let you be the judge".

I can I sure as heck wasn't laughing then. They said she was so proud carrying them in. I am grateful for a husband who doesn't care about the "look" but instead of how proud she was! :)

1. Goal for 2012

Personal: Get fit/lose weight (yeah...I say that every year, but this is the year), Be a better Christian (go to church more consistently, be kinder to others, give more), Be a better mom and wife

School: Create more units and implement them in the classroom. Try to use less worksheets and more fun activities.

Can you count by 2's and 5's and a giveaway!

I think I have mentioned before that we use Math in Focus in our district. There are parts I love and parts I don't. I think the biggest thing is the order in which we teach it. I had always taught shapes and patterns the first month of school. With MIF, we did it right before Christmas break. Like after we learned our numbers to 20. Anywho....after break we begin odd/even, counting by 2's and 5's. The pace calendar for MIF allows like 1-2 days on counting by 2s then switch to 5s for like 2-3 days. I'm spending a week on both. I created this unit to use with my students for fun games to reinforce these skills. Is this something you can use in your classroom? Go to my store on TeachersNotebook and grab your copy!

During the holidays and between Holly Bloggy Christmas I reached 200+ followers so I decided to do a giveaway too! I'm giving away a $10 Starbucks gift card and a copy of this unit to one lucky follower. Here is how you can enter:
- Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment (one entry)
- Add me as a favorite shop and leave a comment (one entry)
- Leave a comment letting me know what you are teaching in math once we return from break....I'm curious!

Contest will end Friday, December 30th at 11:59p.m. I will announce winner on New Years Eve!
I am really hoping to add more and more items to my store! Thanks to First Grade Parade, I've finally figured out it is MUCH easier to create items in PowerPoint then covert to PDF. Also, if you were a participant in Holly Bloggy Christmas...make sure you link up below and show us what you sent and/or received!


Thank you to all who participated in the Holly Bloggy Christmas! I really hope that everyone received their gift on time and were excited to open their gifts this morning! We received some GREAT pictures. You all are a creative and crafty bunch (not surprised)! I intended to post all pictures and link to your blogs but it is Christmas. I really wanna spend as much time with my family as possible and…the hubby has the stomach flu. Sad smile So…I’m doing a linky party instead! Please post on your blog who your HBC partner was, link to their blog with a little Thank you, and we would love for you to snap a picture of what you got and show it too! Check back here throughout the week and see what everyone received.
If you have not received your gift, please email us at and let us know. We will try and track it down! This was a lot of fun and we hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you so much to the sponsors who donated to Toys for Tots! We raised $111.00 to donate to their cause!!! That is a lot of toys for those sweet children! Make sure to check your email for the Christmas stocking! Thanks again sponsors! Make sure to check out their FABULOUS blogs and their TPT stores where you will find the great products in your stockings and much, much, more!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Being At Home

I love me some Christmas break. I love me any kind of break. Don't you? I love being at home with my little one. This is a CONSTANT struggle for me. I love my rewarding, but sometimes I REALLY wanna be a stay at home mom. I've battled this since I went back to work when Lilly was 3 months.  I don't at all wanna get in the SAHM battle vs. working mom battle. Just wanted to vent my thoughts about my situation.
We have chosen for me to work. Are there things we could live without if I didn't work...yes. But we have chosen to have those things. My husband is self-employed. He owns his own construction company. I am a Type 1 doesn't come cheap. It would cost us A LOT of money for insurance if I chose not to work. I kind of like LOVE to shop for Lilly. That gets expensive. I really do love my job BUT....I love being at home with her. We have so much fun. I just can't get enough of her. Do I really think I would be happy if I were a SAHM....not sure. We would probably kill each other but part of me thinks it would be heaven. I get jealous everytime someone new says they are staying at home. I was SUPER jealous on Tuesday when all of my friends were posting pictures on FB of their kids from Lilly's school class party. I wanted to be there. I want to be the head room mom with the cute goodies made from pinterest. Everyday...and I mean Everyday...Lilly says to me "You get to stay home a lot with me?" Breaks.My.Heart. I know it is good for her to be at school and get those social skills and I know she loves it once she is there. It is just a constant battle for me. I feel guilt everyday when I go to work and send her to "daycare" (which is the BEST place in town).
Sorry for the rambling. Just reflecting on my first day home with sweet girl and wishing it could be everyday. I know most people who read this work so I'd love to hear your thoughts. PLEASE don't make this a place to bash and be negative! We have a big day tomorrow including a playdate with her BFFs!

Gift Ideas Anyone???

So I have my kiddos gift to their parents figured out, but now I need volunteer gift ideas AND a gift idea for my little girl's teacher. We still have this week and 2 days next week!! :( It just hit me that I needed volunteer gifts. I would LOVE your ideas. I'm sure many of you already have posted about this somewhere on your blog, so feel free to just leave the link. I would like to do something creative - I have 3 volunteers that come weekly.
For the first time ever I have a Cricut with vinyl and have no idea what to do!!! So, help a teacher out...what do you give, what have you received, or what have your seen. I'd love your ideas! Thanks ladies!

Merry Christmas to You - HBC winner

Yay! We have a winner! Congrats to Lisa! Lisa...please contact me with your email so I can forward it to Melissa at Brag About It! Thanks to all who entered! We have 2...only 2 more giveaways. Check in to Ms. Preppy on Monday!

Gettin' crafty in room 205

We've been getting our craft on in Room 205. I love Christmas and all of the fun crafts we do!!! I stole borrowed a few ideas from Pinterest and blogs and I love them! Here are our Santas to hang in the room. I found these on Pinterest.

Here are the elves that hold their letters to Santa. This came from First Grade Blue Skies. Seriously??? Aren't they the CUTEST things you've ever seen. Oh my word...they make me smile everytime I pass them!

This one cracks me up! An ipad? Seriously? She is so funny!

Last, here are the shirts we make each Christmas.

We make these and wear them the last day at our party. Following class parties, our school meets in the gym to sing Christmas Carols before we go home with the parents. Each grade stands up and leads the school in a carol.  Can you guess which song Kindergarten sings? They love it! I actually add bows to make pigtails on the girls. They are so stinkin' cute!

Holly Bloggy Giveaway #7

Can you believe we are on giveaway #7? Get ready to give yourself a "Merry Christmas" gift! This one is such a great gift for yourself.
Melissa at Brag About It is giving away one of her Hand Stamped Teacher Necklaces.

How ADORABLE is that??? I love it...and it is valued at $50.00!!!! That's a great gift to give yourself! I know ya'll want it! Here's how to get a chance to win it (and we all know you have to be a participant to enter).

- Browse through Brag About It's etsy shop and tell me your favorite item
- Tell us....what is the BEST Christmas gift you have ever received or "bought" yourself?

Don't forget that today is the deadline for sending your gift to your partner. Do your very best to get that puppy shipped out. Snap a picture beforehand and email it to us at   We've seen some super cute gifts! :)

You Are My Sunshine...My Only Sunshine

I have received the sunshine award from Loving and Learning in Pre-K and Crayons and Curls! Thanks so much girls! I love your blogs too and am honored you gave me the award!

The Sunshine Award rules are...
1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.
2. Answer the following questions below.
3. And pass the award to 10 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.

* Favorite Color?  Pink and Green - I have loved these colors since High School!
* Favorite Animal?  I'm sorry...I am not an animal person!! :(
* Favorite Number? Don't have that weird?
* Favorite Drink? Diet Mt. Dew...It's my crack!
* Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
* Your Passion? My girl who is that girl!
* Giving or Getting Presents? Giving...hands down! I love to give gifts and wrap them too!
* Favorite day? Saturday - I am off with my family and I still have another day to be off on Sunday!
* Favorite flowers? Gerber daisies - love them!
Here are the blogs I am passing the award on to:

Ms. Preppy
Mrs. Jump's Class
Chalk Talk
Little Literacy Learner
A Place Called Kindergarten
Kindergarten Smiles
Welcome to Room 36
Live, Laugh, Love in Kindergarten
Mrs. Miner's Kindergarten Monkey Business
Classroom Freebies

Come back tomorrow for the next giveaway!!!

Listening Center Help

Ok ya'll.....I need your help. My listening center is a HOT MESS!!!! It it set up as a play center in which kids listen to alphabet songs (like Dr. Jean etc.). They love it but oh my...I despise it! :) About 5 years ago I got a wireless set thinking that I would haven't to mess with cords and it would be great. WRONG! Those stinkin' things broke left and right. They lasted 2 years TOPS. This year I got the headphone set with cords (kept the same radio). I swear I spend 1/2 of my time either putting those plastic peices back on the ears or untangling cords. I would love to know what tips you have. I tried labeling each one with a sticker and making kids put it back on the rack with the cordinating sticker. I would love any suggestions you could give me! Thanks so much!

Just a reminder HBC participants....Monday is the deadline to mail out your partner's gift. Please make sure you get confirmation ship...we don't want anyone left out! Also, please snap a picture and send it to us at  

Come back Monday for a new giveaway!

It's a Sale! It's a Sale!

I have been adding items to my wishlist like CRAZY since everyone is running a sale! I'm having a little sale at my Teacher's Notebook store. I'm a little embarrassed that I only have 4 items in my store, but it's better than none! I am so jealous of everyone who has the time to create these beautiful things. I somehow cannot seem to find the time ....I'm sure it is just my time management! :) I know if everyone else has time then I should too! Anywho...jump on over and get 20% off all 4 items in my shop. (Hee.Hee.)

What Day Is It?

Seriously...this mini vacation has me all thrown off! I just realized about 5:00 that it was Saturday and I needed to choose a winner!

 Congrats to Kerri from Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten! You are the winner of the blog design!  We can't wait to see your new makeover! Make sure to check out Caitlin's blog on Monday for the next giveaway. It is one you DON'T WANNA me! :)

Also, don't forget to be working on your partner's present! Please snap a picture BEFORE you send it and email it to us at 

Random Thoughts

A couple of random thoughts that I just needed to get out:

-I've noticed that I scream alot when I write. Actually, I intend for it to be excited, but I use ! all the time! I swear I think I end every sentence with one! I'm not mad or upset, just excited! I sure hope people don't take it the wrong way.
-My Christmas is up. Yep...I'm pretty excited! I ♥ Christmas decorations so much! I actually set my table this year using dishes I have had FOREVER.

-I noticed as I was downloading my pictures of my camera that I have 2377 photos on my camera card. I think it is time to clean it up...don't you?
- I'm doing the elf on the shelf this year. I gonna introduce it using an idea I found on pinterest. She is seriously creative and I love everything she does. If you haven't seen her blog, check her out.

I'm not sure it will really work with Lilly. She is 2 1/2 and when she's gonna throw a fit, she's gonna throw a fit. She doesn't care if Santa (or a stinkin' elf) is watching. Trust me....I've tried to use doesn't work.

I don't think  I will be on here tomorrow, so I want to wish everyone a
Don't forget, if you need a Christmas gift for your kiddos to give to your parents, check out my calendar idea. Also, the pre-made blog design giveaway ends on Friday! It's one you don't wanna miss!!! Enter here.

Who Needs a New Blog Design???

I am so excited about Holly Bloggy Christmas giveaway #5!!! A few months ago, I was in DESPERATE need of a blog makeover! Enter....Dreamlike Magic! She has the CUTEST blog designs you have ever seen. I LOVE her color combos. It seriously took me 2 weeks to figure out which design I wanted.

See what I mean? Would you like one yourself? One lucky Holly Bloggy Christmas participant will get a premade blog template worth $30!! Aren't you excited? Here is how you can win.

- Visit Dreamlike Magic's etsy shop and leave a comment letting me know which premade blog template you would choose.
-Go to Dreamlike Magic's facebook page and "like" them.
-Just for fun - This is the BIG shopping week! Leave us a comment and let us know if you have started shopping or if you are finished. I have not started yet, but plan on it this week and hope to be finished soon!

Entries begin now and run through Friday at 11:59p.m. I will choose a winner and let you know on Saturday!

Also, here are a few quick reminders about Holly Bloggy Christmas:
- In order to participate in the giveaways, you must be a participant!
- All partners have been emailed out.  If you still haven't received yours, check your junk mail and then email us at if you still can't find it.
- There is a $15 limit before shipping.
- Remember to snap a picture of the goodies you're shipping out and email it to us before you stick it in the mail.  We want to showcase all of the holiday cheer!  In your email with the picture, please include your blog address if it applies.  We will do a post on Christmas with all of the pictures and we want to link to your blog, but whew! I can't keep real names and blog names straight!
- Stick it in the mail by December 5th so it doesn't arrive late!
- On my Holly Bloggy Christmas page, you will find a short little form to fill out to let us know your gift arrived.  We want to keep tabs on it so no one goes without Holly Bloggy Cheer!  Just head over there and type in your name to let us know you received your gift.
- Absolutely NO PEEKING!  :)
- Feel free to post about all of the fun and thank your Holly Bloggy partner after Christmas!

If you have any questions, just let either me or Caitlin know!

Christmas Gift Idea

So I would love to know what you have your students give their parents for Christmas. In the past, we make the handprints out of mold then spraypainted with acrylic paint. They were cute but SO MUCH WORK. We all know how crazy the month of December is, so last year I came up with a new idea. The students created calendars to give to their parents. They turned out so cute, the students did all of the work, and parents actually used them! Here is a picture of what they look like put together. (Sorry for the fuzzy picture...I had a parent text me their picture).

I take a picture of the students holding this cute sign from a Back to School bulletin board kit that I got a few years ago. (I think it is Creative Teaching Press).

I put the picture, year, and star with their name at the top and laminated for durability. Then I just stapled the completed calendar to the bottom of the paper so that parents could tear off a page each month. I wrapped these and attached the card the students made. I had parents so tickled with these and claim that they are still using them and wish they had another one for next year! :) Would you like to do this with your kiddos? You can purchase the calendar from my teacher's notebook store! It is different than the picture shown above. I made it much cuter and added borders this year!

If you purchase it, leave me some feedback and let me know what you think! I would also love to hear what you do with your kiddos as gifts for their parents.

I have a winner!

Congratulations to Kelly B. aka Queen Bee! She is the winner of our Holly Bloggy Christmas Giveaway #3!

Don't forget to check out Ms. Preppy's blog on Monday for the next giveaway!


It is cold! I left this morning and it was like 60. I come home tonight and it is 41 and "blustery" as the news people put it! Brrrr!
Just wanted to let ya'll know that Holly Bloggy Christmas secret pals have been sent out! WHEW! We are so excited to have so many participants! Please let me know if you did not receive yours. I have double checked myself like 5 times, but I'm terrified I missed someone. We cannot wait to start getting pictures in our email as you all send them out!

Holly Bloggy Giveaway #3

I don't know about ya'll but I am really getting into the Christmas spirit. The stores are playing music, I'm starting to purchase Christmas gifts. I have the MAJOR itch to put out my Christmas. Yep...I"m one of those. I usually put it out the weekend before Thanksgiving. Sorry to those of you hate that. I just cannot get enough of Christmas decorations so I want to enjoy them as long as possible.
We have had 2 awesome giveaways already, and it is time for number 3! This giveaway include 2 prizes for 1 winner!!!!
The first is a $20 shop credit to Sew Joy Crafts on Etsy. She makes lots of cute things such as fabric binder covers, teacher totes, and baby bibs to just name a few!

The winner will get a $20 credit to choose what they want to get! How fabulous is that.

The winner of this giveaway will also get a copy of the adorable book Fancy Nancy: Splendiferous Christmas.

Who doesn't love Fancy Nancy? (I actually dressed up for her the first year she came out for Halloween at school.) As if that is awesome, the book is AUTOGRAPHED by the ILLUSTRATOR Robin Preiss Glasser. So, the winner of this giveaway will win BOTH a $20 shop credit to Sew Joy Crafts and a copy of Fancy Nancy Splendiferous Christmas autographed by the illustrator.

To enter you have to be a participant of Holly Bloggy Christmas. If you are not signed up, we are sorry but the deadline to enter has passed this year but maybe next year! For all participants, you have 3 chances to enter:
- Visit Sew Joy Crafts on Etsy and tell us what you will spend your $20 credit on if you win
- Go to  and stroll around this GREAT website. Let us know which Fancy Nancy Book is your favorite.
- Bonus entry - Tell us about your favorite holiday book either that you share with your class or your family.

Entries begin now and end Friday, November 11th at 11:59p.m. Good luck!
Be looking for an email VERY soon with your Holly Bloggy Giveaway partner. We are pairing up and sending them out! Have fun!

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Who hates Halloween falling on Monday? Can I get a WHEW!!! I know we are in for a rough week! :) Immediately after Halloween we began Thanksgiving. I have to admit it isn't my favorite. I appreciate it, but I just don't feel like we do lots of fun "cute" stuff for Thanksgiving. Pinterest is going to help me change that though!
We begin by sending home a large feather asking students to decorate it with their family name on it.
Here is a picture of our turkey so far this year. He will be even and more full once everyone returns their leaves, hopefully by Friday!

We do the typical handprint turkey for their scrapbook.

We always do a Mayflower usually made out of construction paper, but I think I will try this idea I saw from Pinterest.

We always have a feast on the last day before break. The students all decorate indian vests, hats, and necklace. Parents bring in pumpkin pie, apples, popcorn, peanuts, cranraisins, etc. The students all sit along the "table" and feast. We all stop to say what we are thankful for. I think I will give them each one of these this year. (I think those are skittles in there?)

I saw this really cute idea on The Mailbox. I think I will add this to our "to do" list for Thanksgiving. The parents will love it!

We usually make a craft with our pen pals. (On of my best friend's class of 3rd graders). We like to make food crafts. :) I think we will do this adorable turkey cookie.

I have to say that I think Thanksgiving will be more interesting in the classroom! I'm kind of looking forward to it thanks to ya'll and pinterest. What do you do that is really cute?

Now, I know I'm talking Thanksgiving, but don't forget about our Holly Bloggy Christmas! The deadline is over to join, but if you are a participant or sponsor (and we have over 80 I believe) hop on over to Ms. Preppy's blog and join this week's giveaway.

We have a Winner!!!!

We have a winner for our first Holly Bloggy Giveaway!

Lisa from Live, Laugh, and Love to Learn is the winner of the ADORABLE teacher banner.

Live Laugh and Love to Learn

Lisa, send me your email so I can give your information to Whimzy Creations and she can be in contact with you! Thanks to all who entered and to Whimzy Creations for the giveaway! Be sure to check out Ms. Preppy's blog on Monday....she will have giveaway number 2. You won't want to miss it! We have about 65 participants. The deadline to sponsor or be a participant of Holly Bloggy Christmas is Monday!

Sign up now if you haven't already!