I'm so excited to be hosting a sale with some of my favorite K peeps from Kinderland!

Tomorrow only (June 30), all items in my TPT store will be 20% off! There won't be another sale until The Back to School sale in August, so if you are like me and start EARLY August, you better grab it now! Here are a few things you don't wanna miss.

Also, make sure you check out all of my other fabulous friends. They have GREAT stores too!!! Happy Shopping!
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Throwback Thursday

I joining Cara Carroll in her Throwback Thursday party! How fun!
I've decided to take you back to one of my most popular posts (thanks to it being listed on School Supply Addict).
Original post August 7, 2012
Well, (sniff, sniff) my summer is over and school begins TOMORROW!!!! I did the final touches on my classroom today and I am ready to reveal! (WARNING: LOTS OF PICTURES)

I LOVE My Banner from Little Lovely Leaders! I realize I should have turn off the flash but it says "We ♥ Kindergarten". (She has one for EVERY grade!)

It was just what I needed to add to my pendant banner I made last year.

Here is the view from the back of the room.

I have these signs hanging above each table. The frames are from IKEA. I made them 3-4 years ago, but I was just there this summer and they still have them!

My Vertical Behavior System clipart! You can purchase it here.

My classroom rules. Free from Deanna Jump! LOVE!

My birthday balloons. These are free from Mrs. Hilderbrand.

I bought these cute containers in the Dollar Spot at Target. Put my Cricut and Vinyl to use. Each child will have a popsicle stick with their name on it in each cup. I will use the "Pick Me" for EVERYTHING. To select students to work on Activboard, read out loud, line up in a different order, etc. The "Star Student" one will be how I select a Star Student at the end of each week.

Students cubbies where they store their daily work and folders until the end of the day.

My classroom Jobs display.

This is beside my Calendar (which is done through Everyday Counts on the ACTIVboard).

I made these cuties for my tornado, fire, and lockdown plans as well as lunch menu. I would TOTALLY share, but it got lost when my USB shorted out! :(

My transportation display from here.

My door. Oooh! I LOVE it!

I bought these years ago. I keep it outside the classroom with my class list.

My AR wall. Students are recognized for reaching 50% and 100% with rewards. This is HUGE at my school.

We use these little guys to place on the magnets and move. We send these home the first week of class and it is their "homework" to decorate it. They are so original! I love them!

Look at the banner I got for above my AR display. I got it on for $1!!! (Plus $8.95 shipping). It is thick vinyl. Love, Love, Love!

The back of the room. Homeliving center.

My desk. I keep my desk because 1: I sit there during planning and 2: right behind it is my computer that controls everything on my ACTIVboard!

My clean rug! That puppy is like 5-6 years old! Love our janitors!

My read alouds organized so nicely!

Well, that is my room! I am SO lucky to have a HUGE room! :) Very blessed I know!
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So that's my classroom. I'm starting to get back in it and start for next year. I'm making some changes too!!!! Come back to see what will be different this year!

One week from today...

is the day google reader is no more! :( Make sure you follow me on Bloglovin!!!! I missing about 500 from google! THanks to those that have already followed! I swear you will like Bloglovin more than Google Reader!

Winners Announced!

Thanks so much for entering my contest! I have my 2 winners. Congrats to Sara Edgar and Melissa Vigil! I have emailed MPM and they should be emailing you your $25 credit! :) To show my appreciation for all of you who follow my blog, click here to go to their website and receive 10% off your order. This offer is only good for 1 week so go shopping now!

Are you lovin' my blog?

Well, let me tell you how sad I am. In case you have been living under a rock so busy enjoying your summer off, you know that Google Reader is no more as of July 1. Well, I'm not sad that it is going away because I don't have another way to read it. I'm really sad that my 800 followers (who I feel I have worked so hard to get you here) are now down to 240 according to bloglovin.
Bloglovin is now the easy way to read your blogs. I would LOVE for you to follow me there.
Thanks Melissa Mazur for the ADORABLE button
Please click on the button above or the button on the top right to follow me now and I hope I will soon be back to 800. If you want to follow all of your favorites that you currently follow in Google Reader, you can click here to find out how to use bloglovin.

Also, my giveway ends TONIGHT! Hurry! I will be back tomorrow with 2 winners!!!!

Schedule Spotlight Series

I've decided to link up with Castles and Crayons for her Schedule Spotlight Series.

This week is all about Calendar. I'll be honest. I have a love/hate relationship with Calendar. I LOVE it at the beginning of the year but by March, I am O.VER it. I just get so tired of the same thing everyday. :( We use Math in Focus for our math series, therefore we use Everyday Counts for our Calendar Program. Our school purchased the online version which is very nice since everything we are required to do is embedded and interactive (like an actual flipping coin for coin toss). I do incorporate a few other things. For Days of the Week we use YouTube songs. This is my favorite (and theirs)!

We also use this if we are short on time:

For months of the year we sing one of these:

We do calendar everyday and it lasts about 20-30 minutes. I also have a pocket chart with the days we have been to school where they get a hands on approach to bundling tens. I got it from Really Good Stuff.

 You would think they get calendar frontwards and backwards, but nope. As soon as we get to the Calendar section in Math in Focus OR on MAP testing, they bomb it. I'm like WHAT?????? How on earth???
This year we are doing math stations. I am thinking of incorporating a math station that involves them filling out a calendar journal of some sort. This would occur after we have done calendar whole group so it would be more of a review.
I'm anxious to hear what you do for calendar. Be sure and link up and let us know!

Ten Pin Linky Party

I have a small addiction. It's called Pinterest. Now...having said that, I pin like CRAZY, but I sometimes forget to go back and look at the original site or even go back and open up my boards. I love pinterest so much that when our state (yep...not school district, but state of KY) blocked Pinterest on all school computers I wrote up a big letter explaining how valuable it is for teachers and how often I use it for educational purposes in the classroom. Guess what??? They unblocked it! Win  for me!
I am excited to join Ashley in her Ten Pin Linky Party: Your Favorite Classroom Décor Pins! Got that covered!
Ten pin
This will be great for me to review those things I am wanting to do in my classroom. I just pinned this today after seeing Just Reed’s pins. SO cute and I think I will be doing!!! LOVE!
abc tree
I also like this tree when doing families. So cute to put picture of kids and their families and make a family tree!!!
source: Mrspicassosartroom
I Love this board and taping it off to show objectives. I’m definitely doing something different this year to display my objectives. Maybe something like this.
pin party3
source: The Good Life
I also love this reading nook.
pin party4
source: Peace, Love, 2 Sisters
I’m going to make better use of the back of cabinets and bookshelves this year. I love it!
pin party 5
source: Blog Hoppin
I also LOVE this calendar from Little Lovely Leaders. I don’t have a wall that big enough, but OH So Cute!
pin party 6
source: Little Lovely Leaders
I love anything School Girl Style. Like. Anything. Her stuff is adorable!!!
pin party 7
I love these letters. Thinking I will make to go in my reading corner!
pin party 8
Source: 4th Grade Frolics
I love these number anchor charts. So cute and details. (Cannot find original source)
pin party 9
I also LOVE this wreath!!! Think I might have to make it!
pin party 10
I hope you will join in the pinning fun! Don’t forget to enter my giveaway as well for the chance to win a $25 giftcard to MPM School Supplies!

Gift Card Giveaway {2 winners}

Oooh! I am so excited! Do you remember in January when I received a $25 giftcard to MPM supplies? Well, now I'm giving you a chance to win a $25 giftcard to MPM school supplies. Oh wait! isn't just giving 1 of my lucky winners a giftcard, but 2!!!!!!! Yep! TWO of my lucky winners will win a $25 giftcard to!

Who wants a giftcard to get their classroom ready for next year? I know you enter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Another great giveaway

Christina from Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge is celebrating her 2 year Blog-A-Versary! I'm helping her celebrate by giving away 2 items from my store! Woo! Hoo! I love helping bloggers out.  Make sure you jump on over and enter!

A Great Giveaway

Ash from The Polished Teacher is having a giveaway to celebrate 500 followers!!! I'm giving away 1 item from my store - winner's choice! Make sure you go enter!!!

I'll be back with another giveaway I'm participating in tomorrow!!!

Can't Relax and Goals

Why can't a teacher relax? I  know I'm not the only one who as soon as school is out starts planning for a new year. It was really bad last summer because I had just began blogging and TPT'ing and I was excited to plan a new year with all of these resources. When school started I asked myself, "Why didn't I take some time off?" Well, here I am again. I've been out of school for 2 1/2 weeks and I am at it again!
Don't get me wrong....I'm going to the pool with my little one and meeting friends for lunch but any down time is spent at the computer working away! (I'm also working out from 6-7 AM - so stupid.) Here are my goals for this summer (school related):
  • Redo and upload my Reading Around the Rainbow unit to go with our new Journey's series
  • Complete the new sequence and pace calendar and upload (look for a freebie)
  • Finish the RTI letter packs and bundle them (SOON!)

  • Purchase this ADORABLE teacher binder kit and get all organized

  • Redo my Vertical Behavior Chart System (after 1 year of implementation I decided on a few changes) and get it upload. I'm 50% finished with it now!

  • Read Debbie Diller's math stations and get my classroom prepared to do them!
That's just a FEW of the things on my list. I better get busy! What are you To Do's?