You can thank me later!

Not sure where I have been...oh wait! It's swamped with the first 3 weeks of school!!! I finally got around to checking out my stats this weekend and found this:

Do you see that first URL - School Supply Addict? I had never heard of that blog (again...maybe I've been under a rock) but since I seem to have TONS of traffic from there, I thought I must check it out! Well, I am so glad I did! Ashley lives in Switzerland and has an Oh.So.Cute blog! There is a WHOLE PAGE on classroom management and then a whole page of cute rooms!!!! (Which is where mine is featured and the traffic is coming from). LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! I haven't had time to do a whole lot of searching on her blog, but I will be making the time to do so soon! You must check out this blog. You will be on there FOREVER!!!! Just click on her button below. Make sure you have lots of time to explore! You can thank me later!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just found your blog and am your newest follower! :)

    Hope you'll come visit me.

    The Hands-On Teacher in First!
