Halloween Fun

So much fun today but oh.my.goodness!!! I am EX.HAUST.ED!!!! I'm heading to bed soon but wanted to share my Halloween costume. My assistant and I were cry babies!!!

It was so funny. Anytime as student would come up and ask us a question or talk to us, we would start "Boo Hooing".  I would stick my paci in my mouth too!

I have to show you these ADORABLE bags a parent made for each kiddo.
Cute, right? Oh. And I had a parent make double doozies for my kiddos. Not all the kids wanted them and there were 6 left over and I had to bring them home. Awww. Hate that!


1 comment:

  1. Despite many American media influences, Halloween is frowned upon by some due to it having little relevance to the Australian culture. Fellow Gold Coast theme park, Dreamworld was the first to hold a Halloween themed night event.simple start video review
