Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Turkey Fun

We did these ADORABLE turkeys from Doodlebugs teaching.Oh. Did I mention it is a freebie???

I swear...they are PRECIOUS! I followed her advice and had a bag for each student with all of their pieces. They cut them out and put them back in their bag. Then they assembled. Do you die from cuteness?

This is my sweet baby's turkey!

Look at that hat! I love it!

Hee. Hee. No neck! I love.

And. Well. You know this kid! :) Makes me smile!

We also completed our large turkey in the hallway. You can read more about that here and get the note to send home. (Maybe for next year!)

What have y'all been up to lately?

Snow Day #1

Yes. We had a snow day. In November. We got 5 inches actually...which is a lot for us. Luckily it was very powdery and the sun was out today so we are going back tomorrow! (Even though it is going to be below 10 degrees in the morning.) I know for some of you up North that is nothing. It's pretty cold for us. In November.
I love a good snow day (preferably in December, January or February) and I got a lot accomplished today. I got my Christmas tree up (don't hate) and played Christmas music all day. That definitely got me in the mood to start planning Christmas in the classroom!
For now though, we are all about the turkey in the classroom! We've been gobbling up some good Thanksgiving Fun.

(And yes...I correct that mistake below)

 Indian Vests for our Thanksgiving Vest

Listening Center - Run, Turkey, Run!

And we did the cutest stinkin' turkey's ever. I'll have to grab pictures tomorrow but I swear...I love 'em!

Need a quick reader to do with your kiddos this week? Grab this freebie in my store!

Turkey Time

Last year I shared this letter with you that I send home the day after Halloween. Well, I sent it home again and am loving our turkey display this year! Check out the cuteness!

I love how each one is completely different. Here are some of my favorites from my class. I love the ones that you can tell the kids did it all! (BTW...they are to put their last name on the feather.)

Look (sideways) at the family hands. CUTE!!! (I cannot get this puppy flipped. Have no idea.)
And easy!
Now...I'm taking notes (from the other K classes too) because my little one will be in K next year. For real...check this one out! We might be duplicating next year!

Look how cute!!!

 One of my other favorite parts of my Thanksgiving unit is discussing with the students what they are thankful for. This year we did a writing from Apples and ABC's.

Love the family illustrations!
I LOVE this picture of his grandfofr.

(You gotta love this one...she's thankful for her teechr!)

I'll be back soon with what I am thankful for...I have a lot!!!

Thanksgiving Unit is Doubled and A Freebie

Sorry for my lack of A Peek At My Week. I spent the MOST FABULOUS weekend with the girls in my family in Nashville this weekend. It was my birthday and we had so much fun. I love my little one, but this was my first trip (without husband) that I did not have her (and she is 4!). It was relaxing and wonderful! We didn't get back until late Sunday, so my peek didn't happen!

We are full on Thanksgiving now. I love teaching Thanksgiving. When we began this unit, we did a KWL on Thanksgiving. As we discussed what we knew thought we knew about Thanksgiving...I was cracking up! They are so funny. Not a single student mentioned Pilgrims or Native Americans. That is exciting to me because I have a lot to teach them!

As I was preparing for my literacy and math stations, I realized my Thanksgiving unit was not large enough for what I needed. I began literacy centers about this time last year, but this is my first year for math stations so I had nothing. I decided I needed to add more to my Thanksgiving unit and we are LOVING it!!!
This unit included 9 Literacy and 9 Math Stations!!!
Counting objects (1-10 or 11-20)

 How many more to 10? This is a concept we needed LOTS of practice in. I am happy to say....we are finally getting it! :)
Graphing - What's For Dinner? We are also getting a lot better at graphing!
CVC Match or Beginning Sound
Pocket Chart ABC order
I cannot believe how fast this month is going!!!
We will also be doing this Turkey Treat book (a freebie for you) that I created last year!

Peek At My Week and Updated Unit

It's late, but I'm here with My Peek At the Week!
This week we are on to Thanksgiving! I LOVE teaching Thanksgiving. It is so much fun! Here are my Literacy and Math stations for the week.
As you can see, we are doing my It's Turkey Time unit. I created this unit last year, but since I have fully implemented math and literacy centers full time, I needed a few more activities, is DOUBLED!!! Yup! And guess what?? It is ON SALE through tomorrow night! Grab it while it's hot! It included 9 Literacy Centers and 9 Math Centers!
I hope you have a wonderful (and much more relaxed) week than last week! :)


I'm a little late to the game, but I am linking up Lyndsey for her Stuffed with Thankful Thoughts Linky Party.

1. First and foremost, I'm thankful for my family. (These are our family photos that were taken 2 weeks ago. I am SUPER excited to have some awesome Christmas gifts.) I have a wonderful, patient, kind husband who is so giving and the sweetest spunkiest 3 year old you have ever met!

2. I am thankful that I have wonderful parents. My mom is my best friend and my dad is my hero. Enough said!

3. I am thankful that I have a warm home to come home to everyday. We are currently building a new home (as my husband is a home builder.) I am thankful that I get to build a beautiful new home every 3 years. (Yes that does mean packing and moving every 3 years too!)

 Last years home
Our new home currently being built
4. I'm thankful for the friends I have met through blogging. It has SERIOUSLY made me a better teacher. I get some many great resources and ideas to do in my classroom. Thank you to everyone who reads my blog!
5. Teachers Pay Teachers....I am so thankful for TPT! I began being thankful for the resources it gave me to use in my classroom. I haven't visited the local Teacher store in over a year! Now I am thankful for the extra income that it gives me to fund my habit of shopping for my little one! Thank you! Thank you!

TeachersPayTeachers  - Lesson Plans,Teaching Materials and Other Teacher-Created Resources
I hope you will link up with Lyndsey too and share what you are thankful for!

New unit uploaded and you can win it!!!

I have FINALLY finished my Thanksgiving unit called "It's Turkey Time"!!! It has 6 literacy centers and 5 math centers!

Do you want to win it? I will choose 2 winners tomorrow (Sunday) night at 9:00! You can have up to 4 entries. Here is all you have to do:
- Follow my blog and leave a comment telling me so
- Follow my TPT store and leave a comment with the name you follow me by
- Pin my Thanksgiving unit and leave a comment with the link to your pin!
-Blog or FB about my unit and leave a comment with the link to your shout out!
Make sure you leave your email in each entry!