Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

Happy New Year

Wow! That's about all I can say! I haven't blogged since May! Where does time go? In all honesty, I haven't read many blog posts in a long time. I'm on facebook and mainly instagram A TON, but I just don't ever seem to have time to blog (or read blogs). I'm usually not one to do new years resolutions, but I have a few this year that I'm going to try!
In my personal life I'm going to TRY to:

1. Keep a checkbook register. 
Yep....that's right. I don't. Like I have no concept of money. No budget. Love to shop. It's bad. I occasionally get online and check my account (that I pay our mortgage and some of our bills out of) and when I'm almost out (WAY before I get paid).....I just transfer money from our other account. It's not healthy and I have no idea how much I spend. So...there is that! I'm going to attempt it through an app instead of "writing it in an old fashioned register", so if you have suggestions I would love to hear them!
2. Become healthier
I'd like to lose some weight but more importantly begin exercising CONSISTENTLY. Y'all I HATE to work out. I hate to sweat but I need to! I'm not going to do anything crazy like stop drinking my gallons of Diet Mt. Dew daily, but I need to eat healthier and lose some weight.

3. Stop scrolling through Facebook 
and Instagram 24/7. 
I feel I can catch up on all the social media without constantly being on it. I need to be more present when I'm with my family. 

As far as my business, I'm going to TRY:

1. Blog More
Not everyday but maybe every week. It's about time management. I go to bed 9. If I could commit to staying up later, I might get more done.

2. Complete more TPT products.
I have TONS started, just none finished. EEK! I get distracted and start updating all units that I'm embarrassed about because they are like 4 years old and I've learned so much since then!

So, I hope you will hang in there with me! I hope to gain my followers back! 
I wish everyone a wonderful 2017!


Currently January

Well, hello! I'm been very much not present. But I love Farley's Currently series and what better way to get my back in the game. I have some changes coming up so I hope to blog more and update you on what's happening in my life and classroom!

Listening: The UK wildcats are killing it right now!!!

Loving: This has been one of the best holidays! I've thoroughly enjoyed the time off!

Thinking: I've enjoyed it so much I'm a wee bit down that I have to return to a schedule. I love my school babies but it is so hard to get back into a schedule!

Wanting: Nothing. Seriously. Nothing.

Needing: To get on the ball. I found out 2 days before break that I am going 1:1 with ipads in my classroom. EEK! So excited! I've been doing some research but more to go!

One Little Word: Grateful. I am so grateful. I have a wonderful family. Everyone is healthy. We are blessed. Truly blessed.

I hope you will join Farley and link up!

Happy Near Year and Currently

Happy New Year!!!!

Well, almost another month went by and no blogging from me! :( Sorry friends. December got the best of me, as I know it did everyone. I have thoroughly enjoyed my break, although sadly it ends for me tomorrow! I SO wish we had off until next Monday like a lot of folks. (Although they are calling for an inch of it is possible we will be off!) Since we just have a 2 day week, we won't be doing literacy center rotations and small reading groups. We will take some time to review rules, discuss what we did over the break, and enjoy getting back into routines. Instead, we will be doing these activities the next 2 days!

This small unit contains 5 literacy and 5 math centers. Here is a little of what you will see in this unit (all centers come with recording sheets as well):

Sentence Scramble

Count and Record (1-10 or 11-20)

Syllable Count

Sight Words in ABC Order
Unscramble the sight word

You will also find centers for skills covering CVC words, counting, on, greater than or less than, graphing, and ordering numbers from least to greatest. This is the perfect unit to get your kids started back in the New Year!!!! Grab it by clicking on any of the pictures above!

I also wanted to join Farley in her Currently series. I tried to do it some last year. I hope I can remember to do it each month this year! :)

It is SUPER cold here and I am very thankful for my warm home!!!
This year so SOOOOOOOOOOOO magical for Lilly with her elf and Santa. She was TOTALLY into it and couldn't wait each day to see where her elf was and what he had been up to! I wish I could put that age into a bottle and hold on to it forever!!!!!
I hope you will link up with Farley too!!! I'll be back sooner rather than later!

12 in 12 LinKy Party

I’m so excited to be linking up with Hadar and Kristin in their linky party 12 in 12!


Here are my favorites:

12. Favorite movie you watched:
Umm….seriously. I think I saw 1 movie this WHOLE YEAR and it was Magic Mike…not what I would call a good movie. That is pretty sad that it is the ONLY one I’ve seen all year.

11. Favorite TV series:
Okay. I love me some Modern Family and some Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, but if I had to pick just one I think it would be Duck Dynasty.

10. Favorite restaurant:
Cheddars – I loved it in Lexington when I went to UK there…now we have one near my hometown. Yum!

9. Favorite new thing you tried:
My literacy centers. Hands down the best thing I have ever done. I pretty much followed the same centers as Deedee Wills from Mrs. Will’s Kindergarten. My kids are hands on and engaged all.the.time. I love it!

8. Favorite gift you got:
I guess you could call it a gift. My hubby got me these for my craft room in our new house we are building. SUPER excited! Mine is in gray.
Martha Stewart Living™ Craft Space Gift-Wrap Hutch

7. Favorite thing you pinned:

(No that’s not me but I LOVE this. I swear I have to read it over and over because I have to remind myself that I will make it through the 3 year olds and that she really does love me even though she is defiant

6. Favorite blog post:
I think my favorite might have been the blog post where I showed the apple door hanger I made.

5. Best accomplishment:
Selling on TPT….HANDS DOWN! I am not making a supplemental income (not even close), but I have made enough to cover what another Rank would get me. I was this.close to go backing and getting national certification for my Rank 1. They talked about how much time it took and I am just not willing to give up that time away from my little one. The money I earn on TPT is equivalent to what I would get a month in my Rank pay. It’s a win-win situation. I love creating things for my classroom and am thrilled others want to use them too!
TeachersPayTeachers  - Lesson Plans,Teaching Materials and Other Teacher-Created Resources

4. Favorite picture:
We recently had family pictures made. I LOVE this one!

3. Favorite memory:
My 3 year old blowing bubbles with her 97 year old Great-Great-Grandmother a month before she passed away. I’ll never forget it!

2. Goal for 2013:
It is more personal, but I really want to be a more patient mom.

1. One Little Word: