Showing posts with label kindergarten readiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindergarten readiness. Show all posts

Transitioning to Kindergarten

The end of the year is filled with so many emotions for me. Thinking of my kinder babies leaving me is so bittersweet. I am sad to see them leave me although I am looking forward to my summer. At the same time I am enjoying those last few weeks with my class, my mind is also on my incoming kindergartners. Our school has always been great at doing transition activities to make it easier on our new kindergarten kids. We want them to feel comfortable with us so that 1st day of school is happy and very few tears are shed. We also want to get to know the kiddos so we can make class lists that are a good mix of all kiddos.
Each year we hold an ABC/123 Night for our kindergartners who just registered at our school. We hold it after school for 3 hours and ask parents to bring their child in for a few games with the kindergarten teachers and get a few fun prizes! We have 3 different stations set up where they play "games" with us as we assess what they know. Here is the assessment we use: (click on the image to grab the freebie)
The first station is the ABC station. 

I have alphabet bean bags in which I hold up one at a time and ask if they know the letter and sound. After each letter they toss it into the bucket. I also have them sing their ABCs and note this on the form. 

When they are finished at my station, they get a prize (cookie sheet and magnetic letters).

Then they move to the next station...colors and shapes. 

Once finished at this station we give them a book and our first set of sight words we learn in kindergarten.

The last station is the 123 station in which they hop on numbers as they name them for us and then count to 20. 

At this station they get 123 flashcards to add to their loot.

They finish up with a cookie as our principal goes over their assessment with the parent and shows them the PATT mat and what they can work on over the summer.

We try to make sure parents stay back (you do better without them right there saying "You know that. Yes you do!") We have a slideshow on the large screen for parents giving them information they may need such as a daily schedule, what their child will learn, lunch prices, upcoming dates, etc.

It only take about 20 minutes per child. We usually have about an 85-95% turnout..which is great! We will also see the kiddos again at our Home Visit Blitz and at the Back to School Ice Cream Social we have right before school starts. I really enjoy making these connections early. I truly feel it helps make the transition to kindergarten easier and more exciting. Do you do anything like a Jumpstart or any transition activities? I would love to hear your ideas!!

Are You Ready for Kindergarten??

I recently had the opportunity to review a new product from Lakeshore Learning (one of my FAVORITE companies). They recently released a whole series of ARE YOU READY? games. These are designed like a game show, but for play at home (or school).

I had the opportunity to review the Are You Ready For Kindergarten? game since my daughter will be headed to kindergarten next year.

Here are the pieces that are included: a gameboard, Math and Language Arts cards, Bonus Cards, Cash and Coupons!
She was SO excited to play. Like begged for days to open it!

You place 1 card of each value in the gameboard to set it up.

The player choses a card.

They answer the question on the card.

And earn money for getting it correct. (Her favorite part.)
There is also a check list for students to check which problems they got correct. Later you can go to the internet, enter their data, and it will give you printables and links to products that can help your child work on those skills.

All in all, this game was fun! My little girl is headed to kindergarten in the fall and she enjoyed it. Most questions she ACED so it is definitely for preschool students headed to kindergarten, although it would be appropriate for my lower entering K students to use even in December. Here was a more challenging question. Not that it is challenging, but the wording was new to her.

This game was perfect for a single user. I also think it could be used in small groups as well. I would laminate the money and make copies of the checklist cards before using in the classroom. I really wish I had the 1st grade game to use in my classroom at the end of the year The kiddos would love it!
Do you want to try one of these games? You can and earn $10 off your purchase! Just click here  to get this game for $10 off! This discount is only good until July 31st! Happy Shopping!!!

Are You Ready for Kindergarten?

Our district began a big Kindergarten Readiness push about 6 years ago. Our school really started pushing for making sure kinders were ready when school started. We began by really trying to make sure all those kiddos that would qualify for preschool were targeted and enrolled. It never failed we would get incoming K students who had never attended preschool because their parents didn't know it was available. Huh? How could they not know it wasn't available.
We also began "assessing" kinders in late April to see if they were ready for K. This was all done in a game like setting. We assessed on letters, sounds, colors, shapes, and numbers. Our principal then sat down and talked about what things the parents could be working on throughout the summer so that their child was better prepared when school began. We also gave all parents these PATT Mats from Frog Street Press.

I love these! PATT stands for Parents Are Teachers Too. They have so many great activities to work with your child. The front is colorful and fun and the back explains each activity and what to work on in detail. We always right their name correctly (the way we want them to learn it) at the bottom so they can work on that as well!
In the past, we held a ABC and 123 night throughout the summer and gave out lots of prizes (cookie sheets and magnetic letters) to work on activities at home. The past couple of years we have had not as good attendance due to ballgames and vacations, so we did it all in April!
My favorite part: We put a name with a face. I love that we can identify the kiddos when we make class lists and I think they are a little bit more comfortable with us too.
What do you do to get your kindergartners ready?

Calling All Kinder Teachers!

I am laid up at home sick today completing resting and relaxing going crazy in my mind all of the things I need to do. I have a question for all of you Kindergarten Teachers. It is hard to believe, but we are planning for Kindergarten Registration in 2 weeks! I freak out just writing that! Having said that, I am grateful it is early this year. Here is why: Our district is HUGE on kindergarten readiness. Our school started an initiative in our district with a few activities to make sure our kiddos were ready for Kindergarten when they came to us. We came up with a way to help those parents be prepared and ready for the big Kindergarten year. Here is what we do at my school:
  • As parents register their child, we give them a gift bag that includes a T-shirt, upcoming dates, parental information and newsletters.
  • They then sign up for an assessment date (in April) to have their child play "fun games" in which we assess what they know.
  • On this date, we assess their child on letters, sounds, colors, rhyming, counting, number recognition, beginning sounds, and sight words. They then meet with the principal so he/she can discuss what they need to be working on and are given a handout on how to do this. This is where we can really stress those kiddos that need to be working on their letters over the summer.
  • In May we have an ABC night with free food and activities to teach students and parents ways they can read with their child and work on letters/sounds.
  • In June we have a 123 night in which we do the same except with numbers.
I have to say that although this all takes a lot of time, it is SO worth it. We asses the students when they enter K to see if they have improved and we usually see some improvement. It gives parents a chance to say "Whoa! I need to get on it!" We also really get to know the parents and kiddos before they come and this really lessens the amount of tears we have on the first day (by kiddos, not necessarily parents - they still cry! :) is my question - Do you do anything to prepare students for K or any type of pre-registration? I would love any ideas, websites, handouts, etc. I'm looking for a couple of things to jazz this up a bit. If you have any questions, I would be more than happy to answer then!