Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

Being At Home

I love me some Christmas break. I love me any kind of break. Don't you? I love being at home with my little one. This is a CONSTANT struggle for me. I love my rewarding, but sometimes I REALLY wanna be a stay at home mom. I've battled this since I went back to work when Lilly was 3 months.  I don't at all wanna get in the SAHM battle vs. working mom battle. Just wanted to vent my thoughts about my situation.
We have chosen for me to work. Are there things we could live without if I didn't work...yes. But we have chosen to have those things. My husband is self-employed. He owns his own construction company. I am a Type 1 doesn't come cheap. It would cost us A LOT of money for insurance if I chose not to work. I kind of like LOVE to shop for Lilly. That gets expensive. I really do love my job BUT....I love being at home with her. We have so much fun. I just can't get enough of her. Do I really think I would be happy if I were a SAHM....not sure. We would probably kill each other but part of me thinks it would be heaven. I get jealous everytime someone new says they are staying at home. I was SUPER jealous on Tuesday when all of my friends were posting pictures on FB of their kids from Lilly's school class party. I wanted to be there. I want to be the head room mom with the cute goodies made from pinterest. Everyday...and I mean Everyday...Lilly says to me "You get to stay home a lot with me?" Breaks.My.Heart. I know it is good for her to be at school and get those social skills and I know she loves it once she is there. It is just a constant battle for me. I feel guilt everyday when I go to work and send her to "daycare" (which is the BEST place in town).
Sorry for the rambling. Just reflecting on my first day home with sweet girl and wishing it could be everyday. I know most people who read this work so I'd love to hear your thoughts. PLEASE don't make this a place to bash and be negative! We have a big day tomorrow including a playdate with her BFFs!

Random Thoughts

I can't think of anything specific to write about but I have lots of random thoughts.
  • My room is FINALLY being painted. I would have had my room completed by now (because the 1st day of school is 2 weeks from today!!!) I am hoping to get it completed on Monday.
  • We have the 1st ever Home Visit Blitz in our district this year. I will be visiting all of my students homes next Tuesday.
  • I only have 2 days left to spend with my baby girl...that makes me SO sad!
  • I only have 16 kiddos in my class this year - I know...don't hate me!
  • I am getting a membership to Graphics Factory so that I can create and sell worksheets on TPT or Teacher's Notebook. I've been making them FOREVER but had no idea there was a place to sell them (or for me to buy them). I just have to be sure the clipart is legal to use!
  • Did I mention that they are painting parts of my room with magnet paint? How excited am I? I am getting it on my word wall, math wall, and writing wall!!!!
  • We adopted Math in Focus last year. The kindergarten program seemed very easy so the company redid the K program. I am still waiting on a teacher's manual to see what I will be teaching the 1st week of school.
  • Can you tell I get anxious and overwhelmed? My mind goes a mile a minute this time of year and I don't feel like I get anything done because I don't know where to start.
Okay....I'm done. I feel better. Do any of you use Math in Focus? Do you feel the same way this time of year?