Showing posts with label planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planning. Show all posts

Planning (and a freebie)

Oh my goodness! It is July 1st! That means my summer is MORE than 1/2 way over! :( Do you hear me crying? I'm back into school mode. Yep.....headed to my room tomorrow to get started. We go back on August 7th (I think). I know last year I had a lot of people request my Sequence and Pace Calendar. I LIVE by this puppy. I completely re-did it this year because our district purchased the Journeys curriculum so all of my letter sequence and sight words have changed. (More to come on that soon). Here is what it looks like this year.

I love it! (Thanks to Ashley Hughes for the ADORABLE chevron paper.) Here is my organization.

Red - Journey's Chapter/Unit and letter introduced
Blue - Math in Focus Content
Green - Social Studies and Science Curriculum (yep...we are required to implement social studies and science CC too this year.)

Rainbow - Our sight words (Remember: We do Reading Around the Rainbow. Be looking for a new version of this that follows the Journey's K Reading Program.)

Want this to create your own sequence and pace calendar? Well, you are in luck. I created one for FREE and placed it in my TPT store.

It is editable meaning that there are text boxes that you can type your own curriculum in. (I did change font to Comic Sans for copyright purposes). If you download it, I would love some feedback! I've also linked up with Freebielicious: Fabulicious Freebies on the 1st!

Pace Calendar (Freebie)

So we had our first PD day (which was actually pretty good) and had a big talk about pacing. Our district adopted Math In Focus 2 years ago and we are still working through it and trying to figure out how to pace ourselves so that we get all of the content taught before the end of the school year. I shared my sequence and pace calendar that I have been doing for 8 years now. I complete this during the summer to "map" out my year and help keep me on task. Each week contains the reading/math/social studies/science/theme and sight words taught that week. Here is an example of what one week may look like:

Feel free to click below to grab your copy.

If you want me to email you a copy so that you can type in it, just leave a comment with your email and I will be happy to!

Lesson Plans and Standards

It takes me a whole lot longer to write something than type it. For that reason alone, I've never purchaed a teachers plan book. I have always had a format in which I created and just typed in my lesson plans. I usually had my plans out on my desk Monday morning ready to go. There may have been a few weeks here or there (can we say the week before Christmas and the last week of school) in which I didn't type them out, although we were still very much doing schoolwork. more will that happen. Last year, our school district required that every teacher email their lesson plans to our principal EACH WEEK by 8:00a.m. on Monday morning. We have to include our standards, CLG (clear learning goals), essential questions, vocabulary, and overt response. We could (at the elementary level) create any format we wanted, but it had to include those. I am a Type A personality and worked, and worked, and worked to get the format I wanted. I finally got it where I wanted. Here is an example of my lesson plans. Keep in mind this is last year's 1st week of school plans...I have tweaked things since then.
I'm curious. Are your lesson plans as detailed? I have to admit, they took me over 2 hours at the beginning and by the end of the year I think I could get them done in 1. I thought that was a little ridiculous and I could have spent my time doing things for my classroom, but no one asked so I continued to do it. This year I am hoping to just change dates and what little things I need to. I will have to change my language arts standards as those have changed to the new common core standards. Speaking of those.....we also have to post our CLG (I think they are to be called something else this year) and Essential Questions in our classroom weekly. I am so excited that Mrs. Jump has these standards all cutesy and for sale in her TPT store. I am SO getting these and using them. She just made my life SO much easier!!!!!! Check it out!