I'm linking up with Teaching With Z for her First Day of Kindergarten linky party.
Let me start by saying that no matter how long you have taught (10 years in my case), you never can seem to remember how hard the 1st day of Kindergarten is. I swear, you think after 10 years I would remember that they can't raise their hand, can't stand in line, can't sit on their bottom, can't wash their hands, can't not run in class, etc, etc, etc. I crack myself up every year because I completely forget. I used to say "raise your hand if you want to speak" but when kids would raise their hand and then still blurt out I see that they took me literally. I now say "Raise your hand and wait to be called on". I love them though. Seriously love them.
Here is how my 1st day goes:
7:30 - Parents arrive WITH child and stay. Child hangs up backpack on "their" hook and finds "their" seat and color. Wait for all parents and students to arrive.
7:45 - Brief into to parents, quick run through of reminders (child's name tag needs to be returned daily, check red folder, etc)
7:55 - Transportation info - I go over this 3 times. I want to make sure I know how their child will go home today, tomorrow, and rest of the year.
8:00- Questions???
8:05 - Story time - All students and parents come to carpet for "The Kissing Hand". I read the story then with a red permanent marker, make a heart in each child's hand and parents hand.
8:15 - Shoo parents out the door for the Yahoo/Boo Hoo Breakfast (You know...Yahoo!!! My kid is going to school and I get a break but Boo Hoo!!! My baby is going to school!). They enjoy breakfast and sign all important papers...questions answered by principal. This is put on by our PTA. Love them!
8:15 - 8:30 - Singing and Dancing - This gets the kids giggling and their minds of missing thier mamas
8:30 - 8:45 Review of procedures - Criss Cross Applesauce, Give me 5, Lights Out, Bathroom rules, Classroom rules, etc
8:45-9:00 - Show students the play centers
9:00-9:30 - Students play in centers. They will get nothing done until they have that out of their system. They will worry about it all day until you let them play. During this time I take first day pictures, put on name tags, check for school supplies, etc.
9:30-10:00 - Introduce our 1st letter - Mm. Watch Mm videos and sing song. Students will color Mm objects and practice making an Mm.
10:00-10:15 - Sing and Dance
10:15-10:30 - Lunch rules and procedures
10:30-11:00 - Lunch
11:00-11:45 - Guidance
11:45 - 12:15 - Introduce color word RED. Sing song, read stories, students color red activity
12:15-12:45 - Students play in centers
12:45-1:15 - Read the Gingerbread Man and students take turn acting out story using puppets. **We will decorate cookies tomorrow, they "run away" to their home and then on the following day we have a hunt and find them. I send the following note home with them on the first day.
1:15 -1:30 - Students color Gingerbread Man
1:30-1:45Recess/Playground rules and procedures- time to play
1:45-2:00 - Snack time and drinks
2:00-2:15 - Bus rules, Dismissal rules
2:15 -2:30 - Dismissal...making sure every child gets home the correct way!!!
There ya go!!!:)