Educents- Back to School Blowout Sale!

Do you have my Number Fun 1-10 and Number Fun 11-20 units?

They are best sellers in my store and are perfect for Back to School with Kinders! you are going to have a chance to get both of them along with TONS of great Kindergarten Resources in the Educents Back to School Blowout Sale! Keep reading to find out how!

BTS_Newsletter is having a HUGE back-to-school blowout sale and I am going to be featured in one of the curriculum bundles! From July 30 - August 2 (Wednesday - Saturday), they are bringing back all of their favorite and most popular bundles for INSTANT download at up to 77% OFF! There is something for everyone and it is their BIGGEST sale of the year! Take a peak into what is on sale! Tell your friends, because there is something for everyone who teaches children in PreK-8th grade!

Preschool Full-Year Curriculum Bundle - 72% OFF


Kindergarten Full-Year Curriculum Bundle - 75% OFF


K-2 The Write Stuff ELA Bundle - 68% OFF


First Grade Literacy Bundle - 74% OFF


School Year Curriculum Bundle (Grades 2-3) - 74% OFF


Poetry Curriculum & Activities Bundle (Grades 2-6) - 75% OFF


Tricky Math Curriculum Bundle (Grades 3-5) - 69% OFF


Complete Full-Year Curriculum Bundle (Grades 6-8) - 77% OFF


Management, Decor & Organization Bundle - 76% OFF


Make sure you grab it fast because the sale is only through Saturday!!!!! :)

Ikea here I come!

Well...I have 1 week people! 1 WEEK!!!!!!!!!! EEK! I'm so not ready...mentally and physically. Before I completely stress out and freak out...I'm headed on a little vaca. Every year we (the girls in my family) head to visit my cousin in Ohio. LOVE this trip. First lots of bonding time, but second - WE LOVE TO SHOP. We shop the entire 4 days. Exhausting but fun. (And expensive.) One trip I am taking...IKEA. For my classroom. Here is what is on my list:
Laundry Baskets for Reading Center - $4.99

Or maybe these: $4.99
These mirrors for my sink area: $8.99

Rug for underneath my ACTIVboard: $14.99

I'm sure I will stock up MANY more items. I get so overwhelmed in there!!!! I'll be sure and share my find with you when I get back!

Winner and Freebies!

I'm back with my winner!
Cherie Ong
Please email me or leave a comment below and let me know which Vertical Behavior Chart you would like. (Chalkboard, Polka Dot, or Chevron).
I know most of you are headed back to school soon. I spent all afternoon working in my room and plan to do the same tomorrow. I just wanted to remind everyone that I have 2 great Back to School Freebies in my store.
My Back to School Forms (which I have recently updated just a bit)

And my Editable Student Checklists
I've been working hard in my room and I hope to be back very soon with some sneak peeks! Stay tuned!

Well Hello!

Hi. My name is Sarah and I have failed you as a blogger. Yup. It has been OVER a month since I blogged. Sorry. My summer has FLOWN by and well...I have less than 2 weeks until I start back full time. With all of those stinking snow days and us having to go until the very end of May...they tacked our PD days to the beginning of the year! Boo! I know!
I've had a wonderful summer. I looked back at my summer bucket list to see how I have done! I've not done great. Most importantly I have done #1. Lilly and I have had a WONDERFUL summer together and enjoyed every bit of it. I have worked and finished SOME TPT units (keep reading) and I went on my vacation. That's about it!
I have been back to school shopping. (More on that at a later date.) One thing I did get done was create a new Vertical Behavior Chart and update my other 2. I made each section larger (to allow for more clips) and updated the behavior logs to include the dates for the 2014-2015 year. I was having trouble with my kiddos knowing which object to color (since we missed so many days here and there.) Here is my new Chalkboard Vertical Behavior Chart.

As with all of my behavior clip charts, it contains the actual chart to place in your classroom, a parent letter, note to send home if student reaches parent contact (editable), behavior logs for August-June, and class list (editable) to record student behavior each day.
I also updated my Polka Dot Chart.

And Chevron.

These are one of my best sellers and work great in the classroom! Want to win one? I will give one lucky reader their choice of Behavior Chart. Just enter below! Quick. It ends tonight!