Yup. You read write. Tomorrow is Snow Day 3 for us!!! Here in Kentucky...we get some snow but we have LOTS of rural county roads (my whole school is county kids) and they just don't get cleared enough to make it safe for buses. They called school off for tomorrow about 2:00 today. :) The bug (my little one) and I are getting out tomorrow. I love a snow day...but whew!
So when we do return (not sure we will make it Wednesday either), we have big plans to get EVERYTHING done before Christmas break. EEK!!!! Here is my to do list:
1.Complete Rudolph shirts for all of the kiddos for our last day:
4. Write our letters to Santa and complete these little guys:
Oh wait! We also have to MAP test. (I guess that should have been #1...oops!)
If we return on Wednesday, we have 8 days to get it together. One thing I know we are doing in this Christmas unit:
This unit is packed with 9 Literacy Center/Games covering syllables, cvc words, sight words, abc order, letter/sound recognition, etc.
It also includes 6 Math centers covering numbers 1-20, positional words, ordering from least to greatest, and graphing.
These centers will carry me until Christmas.
I also have these small games in my store right now:
And a little freebie:
As much as we have to do in the madness of the Christmas season, one of the most important is remembering. I will never forget that day last year - the day of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. I was at school and another teaching assistant came and told me what just came up on her news feed. As fast as I could, without the students seeing, I looked it up on my computer. Shock, sadness, and an overwhelming sense of my responsibility hit me. Immediately I began thinking how these precious 5 and 6 year olds in my classroom were mine. I love them dearly and what on earth would I do if that were to happen at my small rural school. I would have protected them as the brave teachers did at Sandy Hook. Their parents are relying on me and trusting me with their child every day. I hugged my kiddos even tighter that day and my baby at home even more.
In memory of those who lost their lives that day, we as bloggers and teachers are committing to perform Random Acts of Kindness on December 14th. We can make a difference.
As educators, we remember and honor our fallen colleagues and their students from Sandy Hook School. We honor them each day in our classrooms in which we continue their dream of teaching our children. We honor their memory with our service. Join with teachers everywhere in committing random acts of kindness to show our love for Sandy Hook.
So when we do return (not sure we will make it Wednesday either), we have big plans to get EVERYTHING done before Christmas break. EEK!!!! Here is my to do list:
1.Complete Rudolph shirts for all of the kiddos for our last day:
2. Finish Parent Gift from students:
3. Do this ADORABLE Christmas craft from pinterest that I did last year:

4. Write our letters to Santa and complete these little guys:
Oh wait! We also have to MAP test. (I guess that should have been #1...oops!)
If we return on Wednesday, we have 8 days to get it together. One thing I know we are doing in this Christmas unit:
This unit is packed with 9 Literacy Center/Games covering syllables, cvc words, sight words, abc order, letter/sound recognition, etc.
It also includes 6 Math centers covering numbers 1-20, positional words, ordering from least to greatest, and graphing.
These centers will carry me until Christmas.
I also have these small games in my store right now:
As much as we have to do in the madness of the Christmas season, one of the most important is remembering. I will never forget that day last year - the day of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. I was at school and another teaching assistant came and told me what just came up on her news feed. As fast as I could, without the students seeing, I looked it up on my computer. Shock, sadness, and an overwhelming sense of my responsibility hit me. Immediately I began thinking how these precious 5 and 6 year olds in my classroom were mine. I love them dearly and what on earth would I do if that were to happen at my small rural school. I would have protected them as the brave teachers did at Sandy Hook. Their parents are relying on me and trusting me with their child every day. I hugged my kiddos even tighter that day and my baby at home even more.
In memory of those who lost their lives that day, we as bloggers and teachers are committing to perform Random Acts of Kindness on December 14th. We can make a difference.
As educators, we remember and honor our fallen colleagues and their students from Sandy Hook School. We honor them each day in our classrooms in which we continue their dream of teaching our children. We honor their memory with our service. Join with teachers everywhere in committing random acts of kindness to show our love for Sandy Hook.
Let's join together as a community of teachers, bloggers and FRIENDS to spread the word about this movement to honor Sandy Hook. Let's not only commit to committing acts of kindness on December 14th, but let's commit to committing acts of kindness on December 15th and in the spring and the summer. Let's commit do kindness for Sandy Hook.