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Monday, July 30, 2012

Made It Monday

I realize it is almost Tuesday, but I am officially back at work and am just getting to my computer. I am linking up with Tara again (and probably for the last time) for Made It Monday.

Remember here where I said I was going to recover my chair? I think some people thought that was my wasn't. I said I was going to. Well....I did!!!

Here is my chair before. Can we say UGLY???

I had a shower curtain that I was not using anymore, so after a wash and iron it was ready to go. I basically just followed this tutorial since my chair has a backing on it. I had a few mishaps in that I had to have the janitor to help me get that back off and once it was complete there were a few staples sticking out...OUCH so I removed them and hot glued. When all else fails, hot glue right? Here is the finished product.

I'm pretty happy with it. I have no idea why I didn't do it before!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

I Have Winners

Thanks to all who entered my 500 follower giveaway. I have my 3 winners and have contacted them. If I do not hear back from them by tomorrow night, I will choose new winners!

The winner of Dreamlike Magic blog design is.....

The winner of the Graphics Factory 1 Year Subscription is.....

The winner of all items in my TPT store is....

Have a Great Weekend!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

I'm linking up with Teaching With Z for her First Day of Kindergarten linky party.

Let me start by saying that no matter how long you have taught (10 years in my case), you never can seem to remember how hard the 1st day of Kindergarten is. I swear, you think after 10 years I would remember that they can't raise their hand, can't stand in line, can't sit on their bottom, can't wash their hands, can't not run in class, etc, etc, etc. I crack myself up every year because I completely forget. I used to say "raise your hand if you want to speak" but when kids would raise their hand and then still blurt out I see that they took me literally. I now say "Raise your hand and wait to be called on". I love them though. Seriously love them.

Here is how my 1st day goes:

7:30 - Parents arrive WITH child and stay. Child hangs up backpack on "their" hook and finds "their" seat and color. Wait for all parents and students to arrive.
7:45 - Brief into to parents, quick run through of reminders (child's name tag needs to be returned daily, check red folder, etc)
7:55 - Transportation info - I go over this 3 times. I want to make sure I know how their child will go home today, tomorrow, and rest of the year.
8:00- Questions???
8:05 - Story time - All students and parents come to carpet for "The Kissing Hand". I read the story then with a red permanent marker, make a heart in each child's hand and parents hand.

8:15 - Shoo parents out the door for the Yahoo/Boo Hoo Breakfast (You know...Yahoo!!! My kid is going to school and I get a break but Boo Hoo!!! My baby is going to school!). They enjoy breakfast and sign all important papers...questions answered by principal. This is put on by our PTA. Love them!

8:15 - 8:30 - Singing and Dancing - This gets the kids giggling and their minds of missing thier mamas
8:30 - 8:45 Review of procedures - Criss Cross Applesauce, Give me 5, Lights Out, Bathroom rules, Classroom rules, etc

8:45-9:00 - Show students the play centers

9:00-9:30 - Students play in centers. They will get nothing done until they have that out of their system. They will worry about it all day until you let them play. During this time I take first day pictures, put on name tags, check for school supplies, etc.

9:30-10:00 - Introduce our 1st letter - Mm. Watch Mm videos and sing song. Students will color Mm objects and practice making an Mm.

10:00-10:15 - Sing and Dance

10:15-10:30 - Lunch rules and procedures

10:30-11:00 - Lunch

11:00-11:45 - Guidance

11:45 - 12:15 - Introduce color word RED. Sing song, read stories, students color red activity

12:15-12:45 - Students play in centers

12:45-1:15 - Read the Gingerbread Man and students take turn acting out story using puppets. **We will decorate cookies tomorrow, they "run away" to their home and then on the following day we have a hunt and find them. I send the following note home with them on the first day.

1:15 -1:30 - Students color Gingerbread Man

1:30-1:45Recess/Playground rules and procedures- time to play

1:45-2:00 - Snack time and drinks

2:00-2:15 - Bus rules, Dismissal rules

2:15 -2:30 - Dismissal...making sure every child gets home the correct way!!!

There ya go!!!:)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tell Me More!

So I have enjoyed reading more about everyone that I decided to link up with the Tell Me More linky party by Step Into 2nd Grade with Ms. Lemons.

Here are a few facts about me:
* I am married to a wonderful guy (I just can't say man) who was a good friend from high school. We celebrated our 5th anniversary this summer.

* We have a very sweet little 3 year old girl named Lilly. She is my world and I love her so much!

* I went to school at UK and was a Kappa Alpha Theta

* I am love to sew clothes and embroider. Here are a few outfits I made for my little one.

* I am not an animal person...can't help it. I'm sorry.

* We boat. It is my husbands passion so I go along for the ride. There isn't anything more relaxing than chillin' on the lake.

* I don't watch a lot of TV because I am usually on the internet, but two of my favorite shows are:

I'm at a loss for what else to tell ya. I'm just not that interesting!!! :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sale Extended

I'm extending my Christmas in July sale since TPT was down most of the day today! (I still can't it to work right.) All SEASONAL items in my store are 20% off through tomorrow (July 26th) at midnight! Get busy and get shopping! :)

Head to your local Wal-mart

I am slightly obssessed with school supplies. Like as in I start stalking Target and Wal-mart beginning July 1st. Imagine my surprise when I walk into Wal-mart and see all of these FABULOUS teacher items for $.88!! What????? I was lovin' it!

Two days after seeing these items I was contacted by asking if they could ship me some of their items that they would be selling in Wal-mart for $.88. Ummmm....let me think about that...YES!!! I was excited to have this opportunity to do this for them, but even more excited when I got my box!

Look at those LARGE stamps, ink pads, pens, flashcards, BINGO game, containers!!!!!

Need incentive charts, name tags, name plates, postcards??? They have them...for $.88!!!

Bookmarks, Stickers, DID IT DOTS

File folders, classroom accents, weather charts

LOVE the shape posters too!

All of these items were sent to me for FREE by  Well, you can get these close to free..$.88! I love that!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Christmas in July

                      When it is hot and humid outside, sometimes you have to think cold!
So here is the deal: Seasonal items have been placed on sale for JUST ONE DAY! Grab some Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter fun!

A huge thank you to Babbling Abby for making this adorable picture!
NOTE: Teachers Pay Teachers will be off line on Wednesday until 9am, so sadly there will be no earlier birds...
Do you want to participate or shop? Quickly go to Blog Hoppin and get busy!

Monday, July 23, 2012

500 Followers Giveaway

I am so excited to have reached over 500 followers. Since it has not been very long since my 400 follower giveaway, I wanted to do something other than giving away AWESOME units from some of my AWESOME blogging buddies! I have loved jumping into the blogging world over a year ago and have met so many fabulous ladies (and gentlemen). Are you ready to see what you can win?

I ♥ my blog design by Dreamlike Magic. It seriously took me 2 weeks to narrow it down to one design. They have just created some new designs. Here are some of my favorite premade designs:

Are you in desperate need of a makeover? Well, today is YOUR lucky day! Dreamlike is giving away 1 premade design to one of my lucky followers!! Woo Hoo!!!

I am also giving away a 1 year membership to Graphics Factory. I joined this last year and have LOVED it. All the graphics from that site are royalty free! I never have to worry about "copyright issues" with their clipart! It has over 2,000,000 designs to choose from!

I am also giving away my entire (14 products) TPT store to 1 lucky winner!

So....that is 3 lucky winners!!! I really enjoyed rafflecopter last giveaway, so I am using it again! Just enter below (please be honest). The giveaway will end Friday at midnight! Good Luck!

Friday, July 20, 2012


I am so excited to have reached over 500 followers!!!

I am on a short vaca, but I will be back next week with a giveaway! Check back next week! Thanks to everyone!  **Thanks to Michelle at The 3AM Teacher for the ADORABLE border!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Did It Dots

Do you know what these are?

Smiley stickers you say? Nope. No they aren't. They are "DID IT DOTS". What? Yep. DID IT DOTS

Let me explain. Last year I posted about my "GIVE ME 5" rule. They have to do the following when writing sentences.

Here is where I have it posted in my classroom:

At times (not all of the time), I tell students they can earn "DID IT DOTS". They know that I am specifically looking for those 5 things. If they do all 5, they can earn a DID IT DOT for that sentence because...well...they did it! At times I will reward students who have the most did it dots for the day. Look at this example:

You can see the last sentence is the only one that earned a did it dot. Here is how I would correct it:

The only spelling errors I correct are words that are on the word wall. I do not correctly any best guess spelling until much later in the year and that is ONLY if we have learned a rule to help us spell it. (ch, silent e, etc). I used to have to pay $4.99 for these "DID IT DOTS" at the teacher store but now you can find them in the dollar spot at Target and Wal-mart all the time. So hurry, go get yours!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Trash = Treasure

So I've been to my room twice this week and feel like I've accomplished...well nothing! As I was being nosey checking out other rooms, I found these lovelies in the hall.

Can you believe someone would get rid of those? mans trash is another mans treasure, right? I have NO IDEA what I'm going to do with it, but I'll figure it out I'm sure!

I did a little a lot of laminating over the past 2 days. I love my little Scotch laminator.

That is my Reading Around the Rainbow Unit that I am going to put up on my word wall.

So we have 2 weeks until today before our Home Visit Blitz. This is the 2nd year in our district where the entire district goes and visits each student in our class at their home. School begins on the 8th. I start the 6th. I have about 3-4 days where I can work in the room. EEK!!!!! I LOVE my job but get SO sad when I have to go back. I miss my little one so bad and we both have a hard time adjusting after the summer break! :(

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Must Have Picture Books (Linky)

I am linking up with The Teacher Wife for her Must Have Picture Books Linky Party.

Here are my favorite books to read aloud to my kiddos:
1. The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs - This book cracks me up! I love it so much!!! We compare and contrast the two books and vote on which one we really believe!

Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse

2. Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse - I have always love Kevin Henkes books! I have always loved it, but I REALLY love it now that my little girl is named Lilly. (Spelled the same way).

Do Not Open This Book

3. Do Not Open This Book - Funny. Just funny! The kids LOVE it!

Christmas Books for kids - The Polar Express - A Christmas Story
4. The Polar Express - I love to read this book at Christmas. Ooooh I love it!

Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business
5. Junie B. Jones - I love all of them. Can't pick just one! We read these all year long. I read about a chapter a day before dismissal. We crack up...together. I substitute all words like stupid and idiot.
If you wanna link up, just visit The Teacher Wife!
The Teacher Wife