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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Must Have Picture Books (Linky)

I am linking up with The Teacher Wife for her Must Have Picture Books Linky Party.

Here are my favorite books to read aloud to my kiddos:
1. The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs - This book cracks me up! I love it so much!!! We compare and contrast the two books and vote on which one we really believe!

Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse

2. Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse - I have always love Kevin Henkes books! I have always loved it, but I REALLY love it now that my little girl is named Lilly. (Spelled the same way).

Do Not Open This Book

3. Do Not Open This Book - Funny. Just funny! The kids LOVE it!

Christmas Books for kids - The Polar Express - A Christmas Story
4. The Polar Express - I love to read this book at Christmas. Ooooh I love it!

Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business
5. Junie B. Jones - I love all of them. Can't pick just one! We read these all year long. I read about a chapter a day before dismissal. We crack up...together. I substitute all words like stupid and idiot.
If you wanna link up, just visit The Teacher Wife!
The Teacher Wife


  1. What a great list. I have all except for Do Not Open This Book. Sounds fun. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who rewords Junie B. The first grade teachers laugh at me for that one. :)

    Kinder Cuties

  2. I absolutely love Junie B. Jones. I too read this every day (or at least try to). I also substitute some of the words. Instead of the the stupid smelly bus, I call it the stinky smelly bus.

    Mrs.G's Kindergarten in Heels

  3. Great book picks! Junie B. is one of my favorites! The kids laugh so hard the entire time I'm reading to them!

    Lanier's Kindergarten Lions

  4. Those are great books! I have 1 copy of Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse and I found another one at Goodwill. I just had to pick it up!

  5. We took the kids to see a play version of Junie B. Jones one year-I think I enjoyed it more than they did! She cracks me up too! :)


  6. I just LOVE Junie B. Jones! My 3rd grade teacher (my favorite teacher of ALL time!) read us those books each afternoon before dismissal and I love when my kiddos enjoy them as well. Great list!

    Make sure to stop by and enter my giveaway

  7. I reword "bad" words in books too. When we read The Paperbag Princess by Robert Munsch, I substitute "You are a bum" with "You are a twit". Half the class just carries on and the other half knows that I have changed it up and give me the "do you think we are babies" look. ha ha!

    I am your newest follower.

    rubber boots and elf shoes

  8. I SECOND your picks!! I'm thrilled that I just found your blog! Stop by anytime! SMILES
