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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where It All Goes Down Wednesday

Today, the theme is Where It All Goes Down Wednesday. I posted this a few weeks ago, so I am pretty much just re-posting.
This is my teaching area. I have had an ACTIVboard for 3 1/2 years now and I LOVE it! I can't imagine teaching without it. All of my whole group instruction takes place here. To the left is my desk (pictures below) and to the right is the student's cubbies (with the crayons as labels). You can see the bundting pendant I made for decorations (thanks pinterest).

This is a close-up of the classroom jobs. I have their names on labels in the top draw of the blue organizer. I keep them in order and start from the top. At the end of the week, students who had jobs go to the bottom of the stack and I continue to rotate. I use an Ipod for all of my music.

This is the stage area where I used to teach before getting an ACTIVboard. Unforunately, the stage doesn't get used much. The green table is my reading table (see this post about how my classroom schedule is ran). I use this area for one of my small reading groups and most of the alphabet centers/posters/etc. are around this area. I also use the stage for my listening center.

This is my writing area. The students do all handwriting/writing activities at the yellow table. You can see my word wall. We do "rainbow words" (I will explain in a whole other post.) and we add them up there as we learn them. To the left of it you can see a title "Give Me 5!". Below that are the 5 things the students MUST check for before getting their paper graded. They are: 1. Do neat work, 2. Begin with a capital letter, 3. End with punctutation, 4. Use finger spaces, and 5. Use the word wall. By Christmas they are really good at checking for these. I have a few more things I will add to the right of that wall later in the year.

This shows the alphabet I made this year using scrapbook paper. My "S" is a little crazy in this picture, but I got it fixed. The back of the room displays "WOW" work and the home living center is back there as well as the sink and drying rack. You can see the blue table to the right. That table is for science, social studies, or art activities. Most of the time when students get to that table they go to the computer for Headsprout.

This is my desk. A good friend of mine painted it a few years ago. I retouched up the black paint and still haven't written Mrs. Shelton on it yet. I will!

I am VERY fortunate to have a large nice classroom. Hop on over to Blog Hoppin' and see the other posts! I love looking at other teacher's classrooms and getting good ideas!

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