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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Three for Thursday

Back again thanks to Blog Hoppin'. Teacher week has been really good for keeping me on my toes! Today is Three for Thursday.
My Favorite Font
I've been addicted to fonts for years. I have so many downloaded on my computer at school. Then when I forward stuff to people they are always saying it comes up funky because they don't have all my fonts. Sorry!: ( I think my new favorite font is:

I love Kevin and Amanda fonts. I have all of their peas fonts and their doodles! So much fun!
I get the cutest handwriting fonts at Fonts for Peas!

My Favorite Blog

This is really hard. I love all the blogs. Seriously do. If I HAD to pick a favorite it might be Mrs. Jumps Class. She has so many awesome resources. I absolutely LOVE her common core standards in student friendly terms. They have saved me so much time!

I've been blogging FOREVER and have many other favorite blogs. In terms of everyday reads, I love Kelly's Korner. I've been reading her for almost 4 years. Crazy to think I feel like we are BFF's and I've never met her. I also love crafting blogs. My favorite crafting blog is:

My Favorite Online Resource:
I'm gonna have to say that this year it is YouTube.
I cannot get enough. There are so many great videos to songs we already since. I use a lot of HarryKindergarten. I have also found all of the Color Songs I sing from Frog Street Press. My favorites are by beeblebrox01. Oh. And all you kindergarten teachers who still teach some fables, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales...Debbie and Friends has the most adorable videos! Love it!
Can't wait to see what you like!


  1. I LOVE Kelly's Korner, too!!! Funny how we get to feeling like we "know" someone after reading about them for so long!!! HA!!! Thanks for linking up today!!

    Cara :)

  2. I have tons of fonts downloaded over the years, but I have never downloaded A Little Pot. Thanks for sharing your favorites!
