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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Reading Around the Rainbow - Sight Words

I have been teaching "rainbow words" for about 8 years now...revamping as I go along. I found that if I have some sort of reward system...the kids TAKE OFF. This year was so exception. I use this unit to help teach sight words in my classroom.

My school system uses the Journey's reading this unit is aligned with that reading series. I also added color words and number words to 10 at the beginning. I posted about using rainbow words here....but here is a recap.

The first set of words we learned are called our "red words". Each color set of words has about 15-20 words.
 Here is the "prep" work we do before school starts so that the entire system is set up and ready to go. First I print and laminate each set of polka dot words.

I place a magnet on the back so that I can add them to my word wall (which has magnetic paint) as we learn each set of words.

To prep for student's, we run each set of words on their color construction paper, along with the Congratulation card and staple them. That way as soon as they have learned one set, we can send home the next set immediately.

We also create a folder with a check list for each student. Each folder gets a checklist with each set of words: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

All students receive a set of "red words" in the summer before school starts. We encourage parents to start working on them over the summer. At the beginning of school we start checking students on their words. As they pass the words, we celebrate it in class (claps all around with a few "woo hoos") and then the students get to place their name on the color they just passed.

I cannot even begin to tell you how much the kids love this. They come in begging to "test" on words because they practiced last night! It is so much fun. All but 2 children in my whole class knew ALL of their words before I had even introduced the blue words yet! SO EXCITING! It seems like a lot of prep work, but in the pays off! If you are interested in using this unit in your classroom and use Kindergarten Journeys , just click on the picture below.


  1. We use the Dolch sight words. This would be a great idea to use with those words too!

    1. Forgot to say...thanks for such a great idea!


  2. Teach Your Child to Read Today!

    Reading is one of the most important skills one must master to succeed in life. It helps your child succeed in school, helps them build self-confidence, and helps to motivate your child. Being able to read will help your child learn more about the world, understand directions on signs and warnings on labels, allow them to discover reading as an entertainment, and help them gather information.

    Learning to read is very different from learning to speak, and it does not happen all at once. There is a steady progression in the development of reading ability over time. The best time for children to start learning to read is at a young age - even before they enter pre-school. Once a child is able to speak, they can begin developing basic reading skills. Very young children have a natural curiosity to learn about everything. They are naturally intrigued by the printed texts they see, and are eager to learn about the sounds made by those letters. You will likely notice that your young child likes to look at books and thoroughly enjoys being read to. They will even pretend to behave like a reader by holding books and pretend to read them.

    At what age can you start teaching a child to read? When they're babies? At 2 years old, 3, 4, or 5 years old, or wait until they're in school?

    If you delay your child's reading skill development until he or she enters school, you are putting your child at risk...

    Did you know that 67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level! According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, of those 67%, 33% read at just the BASIC level, and 34% CANNOT even achieve reading abilities of the lowest basic level!

    There is a super simple and extremely effective system that will even teach 2 and 3 year old children to read.

    This is a unique reading program developed by two amazing parents and reading teachers, Jim and Elena, who successfully taught their four children to read before turning 3 years old. The reading system they developed is so effective that by the time their daughter was just 4 years 2 months old, she was already reading at a grade 3 level. They have videos to prove it.

    >> Click here to watch the videos and learn more.

    Their reading system is called Children Learning Reading, and it is nothing like the infomercials you see on TV, showing babies appearing to read, but who have only learned to memorize a few word shapes. This is a program that will teach your child to effectively decode and read phonetically. It will give your child a big head start, and allow you to teach your child to read and help your child develop reading skills years ahead of similar aged children.

    This is not a quick fix solution where you put your child in front of the TV or computer for hours and hope that your child learns to "read"... somehow...

    This is a reading program that requires you, the parent, to be involved. But the results are absolutely amazing. Thousands of parents have used the Children Learning Reading program to successfully teach their children to read.

    All it takes is 10 to 15 minutes a day.

    >> Click here to get started right now. How to Teach a 2 or 3 Year Old to Read.

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