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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Ikea here I come!

Well...I have 1 week people! 1 WEEK!!!!!!!!!! EEK! I'm so not ready...mentally and physically. Before I completely stress out and freak out...I'm headed on a little vaca. Every year we (the girls in my family) head to visit my cousin in Ohio. LOVE this trip. First lots of bonding time, but second - WE LOVE TO SHOP. We shop the entire 4 days. Exhausting but fun. (And expensive.) One trip I am taking...IKEA. For my classroom. Here is what is on my list:
Laundry Baskets for Reading Center - $4.99

Or maybe these: $4.99
These mirrors for my sink area: $8.99

Rug for underneath my ACTIVboard: $14.99

I'm sure I will stock up MANY more items. I get so overwhelmed in there!!!! I'll be sure and share my find with you when I get back!


  1. That rug is adorable! You might want to stock up on white magazine files (if you use them). They have a 5 pack for $1.49. Good luck in your new year! We go back in the 1st week of August.

    The Reinspired Teacher

  2. Love the rug and the green tub. I just went to IKEA this week for the first time. WOW! (I have never been since the closest one is 4 hours away from me...however, I had to be in the area for my sons College orientation so I just couldn't let the opportunity pass me I was in the store for almost 2 1/2 hours just looking around. I came out with a few goodies for my class and a list of many others I want to go back for. Have a great time on your vacation/shopping trip! Be sure to share the pics of all your great finds.

    Luv My Kinders
