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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Kindergarten Conference and Oh My Goodness!

Well, I'm full of disappointments...I know. I didn't do my Peek this week. Come to think of it, I didn't email my lesson plans to my admin at my 7:30 deadline Monday morning either. But I swear, I have some GOOD excuses! I've been at a PD. Now, before you start rolling your eyes (because we all roll our eyes at the thought of PD), this was FABULOUS! I asked begged my principal to send me to the Tennessee Kindergarten Conference. Like on knees begged. It worked!!!!!
I spent Monday and Tuesday in Nashvegas for some AWESOME PD with these ladies:

Oh wait! Is that THE Deanna Jump and Kim Adsit. Yup. It is!!!!! Y'all. They do not disappoint. Deanna is the cutest little she's tiny! She has awesome ideas that I will be using in my classroom! And Kim...she's a riot! Funniest presenter ever. But wait, not only did I listen to them present....I met them!
Like...Hi. I'm Sarah from Kindergarten Korner and they say Hey! (And I get my picture with them). I was SO excited!
I also met Elizabeth from Kickin' It in Kindergarten.

She is sooo funny and adorable! She's good buddies with Kim and Deanna and had already heard some of their presentations at Vegas this summer, but listened again because they are that good!
Last, I met Mr. Greg. Don't act like you don't know who he is. I know the fact that he doesn't have glitter on is throwing you off, but it's Greg from Kindergarten Smorgasboard.

If you have the opportunity to attend one of the SDE Kindergarten Conferences and hear one/some of these people, I totally would! Now I MUST figure out how to get to the I Teach K conference in Vegas this summer!!!! I'm exhausted and have to prepare tomorrow.


  1. Ugh!
    I'm so jealous!
    I was supposed to be at this and got told NO at literally the last minute!

  2. Sarah I was there and didn't get to meet you :( The conference was so great! Pretty sure we were in the same room together. There is always next time. Oh and there will be a next time, LOVED IT!

    A Flip Flop Kindergarten

  3. I am trying to get to I Teach K in Las Vegas as well. I have been there before and it is definitely worth going.
