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Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Made It (Non-school related) I am FINALLY linking up for Monday Made it!

It is TOTALLY non-school related, but has been on my To-Do list all summer and I am SUPER happy to have it done. I finally made my curtains for my little one's playroom last week! YAY!
I am a decent sewer, however these are fairly easy for those of you who think NO WAY could I do that. You can!

Here is what you need:
Sewing Machine
Curtain Rod and materials

First choose your material and decide how much fabric you need. I had a double window and knew I wanted a panel on each side....nothing fancy. The fabric was 54" wide from Ikea. (Most home décor fabric is 54"wide.) I knew I wanted at least 84" long so I figured 2 1/2 yards each panel. It just so happened that the match was mirrored so I didn't have to account for that. If you have a large match, you will need to get more. (This just means that each side of the curtain looks the same.)

Again, my fabric came from Ikea at $4.99 a yard!!!!!! LOVE that place!! First things first. I cut my 5 yards in 1/2 so that I had 2 panels that were each 2 1/2 yards. Then IRON. I always iron my fabric first. Just trust me.

After ironing, make sure you have a large place to work in. I used my bedroom floor. I laid out face down.

Next, grab your liner. Again, this is 54" wide (okay so really the IKEA fabric was a bit more, but that worked out perfect because I didn't cut anything). I had 5 yards of it as well and cut it in 1/2. Fold one end of the liner (double fold so you don't have a raw edge) and sew (width way). You want your liner to be a bit (about 2 inches) shorter than your fabric at the bottom.

 Lay the liner on top of the face down fabric making sure there is 2 inches at the bottom that does not have liner.

Next, fold the sides of your fabric in (double fold so you down have a raw edge hanging out). Pin this all the way down each side of the fabric.

Once this is done, sew this on your sewing machine. Just a straight stich all the way down the fabric.

Now I don't have pictures to show this, because...well I got excited that I was almost done!!! Fold the top down with a large 2 1/2-3 inch fold, catching the liner in it and pin. At the bottom double fold it but DO NOT grab the liner in it. This will allow it to hang nicely and not pull. Sew both the top and bottom folds.
**This is the easiest type of curtain to make. I chose not to place the rod through the curtain. This requires a bit more work at the top and material to make a rod pocket. I am hanging these using curtain clips. All the other curtains I have made had a curtain rod but I wanted these done quickly!
Next place the clips on the curtain and then on the rod. I then had hubby hang the rod so that my curtains just barely brushed the floor.

TADA!!! A finished product!!! :) I'm so happy with them and cannot wait to complete the room! (Uh....the green chair is leaving the room!)