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Monday, March 4, 2013


I'm linking up with Farley again for Currently...March edition!

Listening: I used to be a HUGE Bachelor fan. Like as in have Bachelor watching parties (invitations and all). Well that was before marriage and a kid. I don't have time for all of that now. I've not really been watching (much) for the past 4-5 years, but I love Sean. He's a good Christian guy! I follow his sister's blog and love her!
Loving and Needing: My house will be done so.soon! I cannot wait. Poor hubby (the builder) had a slight accident this weekend while working and he's kind of out of commission but he's trying so hard.
Thinking: I'm always thinking I need to diet. Unfortunately, I don't do too much about it!
Like: Sweets
Love: Shopping
Hate: Sport (Sorry peeps)
I hope you will link up!


  1. Yay! I'm off to watch The Bachelor right now. :) Cute blog! :)

    Sugar and Spice

  2. Found you through the linky! I am a fan of the Bachelor too! (Still love Trista and Ryan). I used to have the same kind of parties but with Survivor! (I even ordered one of the buffs!)...probably the only dork who did! haha
    Congratulations on the house!
    Head Over Heels For Teaching

  3. Your blog is too cute! I'm jealous that your house is going to be finished in a month... I've been house hunting for a year and am ready to be done with this process! Good luck with the final preparations :)

    EduKate and Inspire

  4. I've missed the last few episodes of The Bachelor, but I have enjoyed this season!
