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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Best Pencil Sharpener Ever and a winner

Well congrats to Ash from Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks! She correctly guess what day Thursday is for kindergarten at my school and won my Number Fun 1-10 unit! Her guess...PAJAMA DAY!!! Whoop! Whoop! The 4th letter we learn in the letter Pp and we always have pajama day. We read the 3 Little Pigs and have a Pp party at the end of day with Pp food - purple punch, pringles, pixie sticks, pickles, potato chips, pretzels, popsicles, pepperoni...You name it! on to the real business! I received this pencil sharpener the summer from Classroom Friendly Supplies.

I have to admit I was a little skeptical because well, I just like my electric sharpener. Actually I have a love/hate relationship with it but not anymore. I hate it...compared to this puppy. It is awesome and quiet. Let me tell you who REALLY loves wonderful assistant:
She LOVES this thing and should know...she is the one who sharpens pencils. Look at these beauties after she sharpened them.

They sharpen perfect EVERY time and the whole class doesn't know you are sharpening because it so quiet! Here is a pencil getting ready to get sharpened.

My assistant NEVER uses the new electric sharpener we got....this is her new BFF! I'm telling you that if you buy one of these, you won't regret it! Just click here to grab yours!


  1. Love your numbers 1-10! It is amazing! Have fun on Pajama day! What a great idea to celebrate learning about the letter P!

    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks

  2. I am going to have to look into getting one of these! I've heard such good things about it all over the place!!!

  3. Those are some pointy pencils! :) I posted about my giveaway! Thank you for participating! :)
    Apples and ABC's
