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Saturday, March 17, 2012

I can do it, I can do it

I know I can make it until Spring Break. I know I can! We still have 1 1/2 weeks left. This is the LONGEST time without a break. We have usually had 5-6 snow days between January and Spring Break, but not this year. I think this is the first year in like 8 years that we have actually gotten the 2 days before Spring Break (that are make-up days).
We had so much fun last week. Here are the cute leprechauns we made. I have always just done the boys with hats but this year the girls said they wanted girl we made one up real quick. I thought they turned out ADORABLE!!

We also did our leprechaun writings:

I usually have 100% participation on the traps, but this year I only had about 1/2 of the kids complete there. Here are a few:

This one had that little bought that lit up and blinked different colors:

One of my parents made these rainbow cupcakes for our little party. They were SUPER cute!

I plan on keeping it low key until Spring Break. It's been crazy and I'm ready for a little routine. They are ready for Spring Break and are wild as all get out. How about you? Are you on break now?


  1. OMGsh! How adorable are those cupcakes?!! Everything else is equally adorable! :) I'm counting down the days too... Come on, spring break! This working every day from January to March business is ridonk!

    Ms. Preppy's Adventures in Primary and Polka Dots

  2. I absolutely love the girl leprechauns! I'm going to have to use that idea next year! You have such great ideas... that's why I gave you the lovely blog award! Come by my blog to check it out:
