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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Awards and Back TO THE REAL WORLD

Well, today was our first day back. I have to say my kiddos were really good considering! We had a great day and made these really cute New Year faces I found via pinterest.

new year guys

On the agenda for tomorrow…these snowman found via pinterest as well!


I have to thank The Littlest Scholars and Inspired By Kindergarten for giving me The Versatile Award!

blogger award

So, the rules of the award are:
1.  Thank the person who nominated you with a link back to them. (I did this above!)
2. Tell 7 things about yourself (see below)
3. Pass this on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know they've received an award! 

Here are 7 things about me:

1. I have a slight shopping problem when it comes to clothes for my little one….I LOVE to buy her clothes.

2. I am the BIGGEST CHICKEN. Like I would not go in a Haunted House if you paid me $1000.00. I don’t watch any scary movies…never seen Wizard of Oz the whole way through.

3. I don’t cook. I fix little things like Mac-N-Cheese for little bit, but my hubby and I eat out everynight….we are working on that! Smile

4. I love to craft/sew/embroider. I love, love, love it!

5. I have Type I diabetes (only diagnosed in the last 5 years) and just got on the Omnipod (an insulin pump).

6. My mom is one of my best friends. We have so much fun together.

7. I could do without TV anyday…just don’t take away my internet. I can be home all day and I would never turn on the TV! :

Here are the blogs I love and would like to give this award to (they aren’t necessarily all new to me..just a few of my favs):

Chalk Talk

Live, Laugh, Love Kindergarten

Life is Sweet

Keen on Kindergarten

First Grade Blue Skies

 Loving and Learning in Pre-K

Miss Kindergarten

I could give out a TON more…but little one is begging me to play…so I’m off! Thanks so much!


  1. I did that activity today too! The kids seemed to enjoy it!

  2. Thanks for the award-that was so nice of you! I am your newest follower-can't wait to read your ideas!
    Keen on Kindergarten

  3. I am glad I found your wonderful site! I am your newest follower! Come see me too!
    ­ Kindergarten Lifestyle
