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Monday, November 21, 2011

Who Needs a New Blog Design???

I am so excited about Holly Bloggy Christmas giveaway #5!!! A few months ago, I was in DESPERATE need of a blog makeover! Enter....Dreamlike Magic! She has the CUTEST blog designs you have ever seen. I LOVE her color combos. It seriously took me 2 weeks to figure out which design I wanted.

See what I mean? Would you like one yourself? One lucky Holly Bloggy Christmas participant will get a premade blog template worth $30!! Aren't you excited? Here is how you can win.

- Visit Dreamlike Magic's etsy shop and leave a comment letting me know which premade blog template you would choose.
-Go to Dreamlike Magic's facebook page and "like" them.
-Just for fun - This is the BIG shopping week! Leave us a comment and let us know if you have started shopping or if you are finished. I have not started yet, but plan on it this week and hope to be finished soon!

Entries begin now and run through Friday at 11:59p.m. I will choose a winner and let you know on Saturday!

Also, here are a few quick reminders about Holly Bloggy Christmas:
- In order to participate in the giveaways, you must be a participant!
- All partners have been emailed out.  If you still haven't received yours, check your junk mail and then email us at if you still can't find it.
- There is a $15 limit before shipping.
- Remember to snap a picture of the goodies you're shipping out and email it to us before you stick it in the mail.  We want to showcase all of the holiday cheer!  In your email with the picture, please include your blog address if it applies.  We will do a post on Christmas with all of the pictures and we want to link to your blog, but whew! I can't keep real names and blog names straight!
- Stick it in the mail by December 5th so it doesn't arrive late!
- On my Holly Bloggy Christmas page, you will find a short little form to fill out to let us know your gift arrived.  We want to keep tabs on it so no one goes without Holly Bloggy Cheer!  Just head over there and type in your name to let us know you received your gift.
- Absolutely NO PEEKING!  :)
- Feel free to post about all of the fun and thank your Holly Bloggy partner after Christmas!

If you have any questions, just let either me or Caitlin know!


  1. I love Dreamlike Magic's blog designs! I have been stalking them for awhile and I can't decide on which is my favorite. I really love 3 of them: aqua and brown featured above, preppy polka dots, and the pink on blue design. Ahh there are too many to choose from!

  2. I liked them on Facebook and found out are from Myrtle Beach which is funny because I'm there right now visiting my parents. Gotta love the south!

  3. I have not done any holiday shopping this year! I haven't really planned on when I'm going to get started either...I haven't yet gotten into the Christmas shopping spirit just yet. I know I'll probably get some stuff on Cyber Monday though! Happy shopping!

  4. I do, I do! I just started up a blog because of the Holy Bloggy Christmas! I looked at them and it is going to be hard to choose!!! It might have to be either the Classic Damask with Blue and Pink Design or Bright Flourish and Lilac Damask Design.

  5. I've already started shopping, in fact I'm about done, just need my fiance and my sister.

  6. I love the orange and rose with navy pretty!

  7. I do my shopping all year. When I see something that I think someone will like, I get it for them! The only trick is remembering where I have stashed these fantastic gifts!

  8. I like the sweet circus design-so cute!

  9. Wow, I have no idea which design I'd choose!!!! I love Orange and Rose with Navy, and I also like Aqua and Green on Chocolate, and I also like Pink Brown and Blue Plaid!! Too many choices! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  10. And I haven't officially started shopping, but I have picked up a few things here and there that have caught my eye!

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  11. I passed along the Sunshine Award to you. I love it that there are bloggers in my area.


  12. I would love a new blog design. It was too hard to choose but I think the butterflies because I love butterflies.

  13. I haven't officially started shopping but I will on Friday. My sister and I always go black Friday shopping and I plan on knocking some Christmas shopping out then.

  14. It would def be Sweet Circus Rainbow - I don't have a blog yet, so this would give me a great start!

  15. I liked Dreamlike Magic on FB :)

  16. As far as shopping, I've gotten gifts for my Angel Tree darling, and a cute jacket for my niece - but that's it so far...

  17. I love Dreamlike Magic's blog designs! Oooh, I can't decide which design is my favorite!! I really like the Bright Garden Owls Design, the Aqua and Green on Chocolate Design, Bright Flourish and Lilac Damask Design and the Mom Owlivia and Owlets on Choco Dots Design!! Too many fabulous designs.

  18. I have not started my Christmas shopping yet. I am not sure when I will brave the crowds and go out. Maybe, I will do some online shopping this year!
