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Thursday, September 29, 2011


I love teaching the Seasons. It is so much fun! We don’t do a whole lot of science and social studies, but this is a unit that is a must. I teach my whole unit around the Dr. Jean song Seasons from her Kiss the Brain CD. It is perfect for helping kiddos remember the 4 seasons. I do a brief intro by singing the song. I have a FREE PowerPoint on my Teachers Notebook account that I made to go with the Seasons song. Due to copyright reasons, it does not include the actual music. You can find that here. I also show the first couple of slides from the other FREE PowerPoint in my store. It includes the videos from BrainPopJr. that are WONDERFUL. You will have to have a subscription to BrainPopJr to access the videos. After the intro, we spend a couple of days on each season. I begin with Winter. (I start with Winter because the song does.) I show the slides from the PowerPoint on Winter and show the video. We discuss the weather, trees, what you wear, activities you do, and holidays we celebrate during the season. I use these books by Nuria Roca to teach the Seasons.


You can find them on Amazon.

We then begin our Seasons’ book. This book includes a large page of each season. Here is the cover for the book:


I have no idea where I got the coloring page, so I created a new one this year and added it to my Seasons’ mini unit. You can find in my Teachers Notebook store. The students just color it and glue it to a large piece of paper along with the chorus of the song.

Here is our Winter page:


Students just draw 3 circles (large, medium, small) and then paint them white. They had a scarf, hat, and face. They then add snow by using these rings:


They are perfect for creating that “snow” effect. You can see the Winter quote from the song on this page. I do this because when the book is complete, all the words to the song are in the book and kiddos can sing it to their parents.

Next is Spring. Here is our Spring page:


We create this by water coloring a coffee filter and adding a stem, and grass.

Here is our summer page:


This is a simple one. Just paint a sun and add googly eyes.

Last is our fall page:


For this page, students color a paper plate green, and add red, yellow, orange and brown tissue paper squares for leaves.

At the end of the unit, we staple them in order and send them home!

To wrap up our unit, the students complete an art project showing what the trees look like in each season.


I created a better template of the four trees and it is included in my mini unit! We have a lot of fun with this unit. The students LOVE their big book. If you want any of these items, just head to my Teacher’s Notebook store and grab them!


  1. I've tried to access your seasons mini unit, but it is not coming up. Looks like a really cute idea, can you help me get your freebie?

  2. I had the same problem. I'd love a copy of the four trees. Could you please reply with a link where I can access this unit. Thank you.
