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Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Can't Believe It!

I cannot believe I have 110 followers? What??? How did that happened? I am SUPER excited!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am currently working on a giveaway for you! I have been working on this (along with my still not completed rainbow words unit) this past week. I hope to have it finished by Sunday and also open up an account in Teacher's Notebook. Hang in there with me!
It has been crazy busy for me lately. I am in charge of our school T-shirts. We do a different color for each grade as well as the option of stripes or polka dots. It has been crazy the last few years with teachers trying to take care of their class orders and then get it correctly to me, so the TYPE A in my came out and I took it all on. Yep. You heard that correctly. I am taking ALL 350 orders and trying to sort through sizes, colors, money, etc.
In the midst of this, I thought it would be fun to do staff sweatshirts too. We had a contest on the logo for these sweatshirts. There was a tie between 2 so our new staff shirt will say the name of our school in zebra print font and the logo "Everything is better in the country"
How cute is that? We are located in a real rural area with lots of farm around us. I thought it was precious! So....that's where I've been. I'll get it together this weekend. THANKS!


  1. I can't wait to see a picture of the sweatshirts! Good luck with getting everything done!

  2. How cute!! And how funny is it that I'm the "spirit wear" designer in my school too?! (Well, the cutesy shirts at least...) HAHA :)
