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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Currently January

Well, hello! I'm been very much not present. But I love Farley's Currently series and what better way to get my back in the game. I have some changes coming up so I hope to blog more and update you on what's happening in my life and classroom!

Listening: The UK wildcats are killing it right now!!!

Loving: This has been one of the best holidays! I've thoroughly enjoyed the time off!

Thinking: I've enjoyed it so much I'm a wee bit down that I have to return to a schedule. I love my school babies but it is so hard to get back into a schedule!

Wanting: Nothing. Seriously. Nothing.

Needing: To get on the ball. I found out 2 days before break that I am going 1:1 with ipads in my classroom. EEK! So excited! I've been doing some research but more to go!

One Little Word: Grateful. I am so grateful. I have a wonderful family. Everyone is healthy. We are blessed. Truly blessed.

I hope you will join Farley and link up!


  1. Hi Sarah! I've really enjoyed my time off too! I've been thinking how hard it's going to dress like an actual adult next week. I've been loving wearing my fuzzy slippers and sweats a little too much! That is awesome about the iPads! Good luck finishing your research. Enjoy the rest of your time off!

    WILD About First Grade!

  2. My previous school had 1:1 with iPads and it was amazing, the amount you can do is staggering, so enjoy! And I love that your word is grateful, I'm definitely grateful for all the positive aspects of my life at the moment. Lovely to find your blog through the link up!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  3. It sounds like you and I may have copied each other on some of our Currently's! I've enjoyed break a little too much, too. How exciting to go 1:1 when you return! There is some great stuff out there, the trick is finding what works for Ks. But don't worry, the kiddos need go slow and so do you! Best of luck! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, but don't work too hard!

  4. Wow! 1:1 with iPads??? That's awesome!!!

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