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Thursday, April 17, 2014

One of the hardest decisions.....

I am soon going to be faced with one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. I distinctly remember about 6 weeks after I had my daughter, calling my mom upset about whether to continue breastfeeding my daughter or not. I felt horrible but it was just too hard on us both. I remember her telling me...this is one of the MANY decisions you will have to make for her, Sarah. You just have to use your best judgment and do what you think is best for her.
Well, now it's time to make a decision that I'm really struggling with. You see. My first (and only) child turns 5 in 3 weeks. She will be entering Kindergarten. You know....the grade I teach. I teach in a really rural school with only 3 kindergarten classes. I will be taking her with me to school. I registered her on Monday and cried. Yup. Like a baby. While I am ready for her to be at my school, I am NOT ready for her to be at my school. You get that right? Here is my dilemma.
Do I place her in my classroom? I have prayed, and prayed, and prayed about this. For a year. I go back and forth. I've weighed my pros and cons.
Here they are:
She will be with me all day. I'll get to watch her grow and learn. I'll never had this chance again. I think I'm a pretty good teacher. I can tweak and guide her to make the best decisions this first year.
Will I be to hard on her? Will she be able to go from me being her mother to her teacher? Will it strain our relationship?

I know she would be excellent for another teacher. (BTW...I love both of my teaching partners.) She's so good at her preschool. I crack up when they go on and on about how sweet and perfect she is. Like any child...she's worse around us (her parents). She is a good girl. She just tests us and whines more around us.  She's not a leader. She's a follower by nature. She's smart. She's my life.

So, I would LOVE to hear your feedback. Have you ever had your child in class? How did it go? Do you regret it? What is your advice or experience?


  1. Bless your mommy heart! :) I don't think I would have ever let my kids be in my class for several reasons. First, I want my kids to gain independence and not feel pressured to learn and grow based on "what mom would think." Young children are such little people pleasers. I also think it may confuse the other students, the blurred line between mom and child and where that leaves them. If you love your team, I would really encourage you to give her a chance to be out on her own. Trust me, my oldest will be a junior in high school next year so I get the growing pains. They are there when they start and they are there throughout the whole journey. It's much harder on our momma hearts than theirs though. Good luck in making your decision.
    <>< Crystal

  2. That is a decision you have to make. I sent my children to school across town just so both of them would have freedom. I wanted them to flourish without worrying about mommy.

  3. My only child goes to school with me; I teach in a high property school. I was not his kindergarten teacher but loved the fact that he was nearby and that I could see him at recess, lunch and all our kindergarten-wide activities. He is now in first grade and I am so happy that he has a teacher who loves him as much as I do. We get to share time together before and after school. Good luck on your decision.

  4. I think it depends somewhat on her personality. Is she independent or will she cling to you? I had my daughter in my kindergarten class, and it worked great! She was a very independent little student, and she seemed to realize when we were at school that mommy had to pay attention to the other children too. Grading was not a problem because, being a teacher's child, I had always pushed her a little anyway. Now she is 21, and getting ready to graduate from college. It is a memory I will always treasure. Hope this helps you make your decision!

  5. I agree that sometimes our kids are worse around us. My son is definitely worse around myself and my husband. I know that I would not be able to be my son's teacher. I think i would be extremely hard on him and he might think it unfair. I also think that my son needed some time without me to become more independent and I needed some time away from him, for my own sanity. It is a hard decision to make and you know your daughter best. :)

  6. I have my youngest child in my kindergarten class. We have good days & some not so great days. I also have my niece this year. I have enjoyed watching him learn and grow this year. I did not teach my older two children. He knows I will take him out and discipline him if/when needed. If you do my friend gave me some great advice: don't take what happens in the classroom home & don't mention it to your husband unless you would call another child's parents for same thing....One big advantage is I feel I push him more than the other teacher would. My co-teacher doesn't have great classroom management either. At times I felt my oldest two got by with things because they were a teacher's kid. Overall it has been a good experience, it was the best choice for us.

  7. I have my youngest child in my kindergarten class. We have good days & some not so great days. I also have my niece this year. I have enjoyed watching him learn and grow this year. I did not teach my older two children. He knows I will take him out and discipline him if/when needed. If you do my friend gave me some great advice: don't take what happens in the classroom home & don't mention it to your husband unless you would call another child's parents for same thing....One big advantage is I feel I push him more than the other teacher would. My co-teacher doesn't have great classroom management either. At times I felt my oldest two got by with things because they were a teacher's kid. Overall it has been a good experience, it was the best choice for us.

  8. I teach in a small rural school as well. I opted not to have my children in my class because I was afraid neither one of us would be able to draw the mother/teacher line. I also think they needed other positive adult role models besides just me. However, because I was a staff member I did preferential treatment as far as being able to choose who their teachers would be. Bonus! Good luck in your decision!

  9. I think that this is an opportunity for you to give your child wings of independence. I have a son who's a total momma's boy and for me I'd have to keep the school/mommy relationship separate. If you put him in your coworker's classroom, you can always pop by and spy. :) Good luck with your decision!

  10. I have had three of my littles in my class. I have a wonderful teacher that teaches kindergarten with me. I did set some guidelines for my children when they were in my class. They were treated as others in the class. They called me "Mrs. Hammons". They had no special treatment. I had my little girl just last year. The other students did not even know she was my child, until the last month of the school year! I felt it was important to get my child's imput before making the descision.

  11. I chose not to have any of my kids in my class. My son is currently in 1st grade and I could be his teacher this year. He is in the class 2 doors down from me instead of in my class. I know my "mama's boy"/whiner son and I love him to pieces. However, I didn't want to listen to him whine through 1st grade. I know he doesn't pull that for his teacher, she says he's an angel (thank goodness). I love that they are at my school, and that they stop in at recess for a quick hug. I don't regret my decision at all. Good luck!

  12. I can't speak from experience of having taught my own children, but I would not teach my own child. I would definitely let one of your co-workers teach him/her. It will be good for all parties involved. Whatever you decide, good luck!

  13. I think you will enjoy having her in your school but not in your class. You know how your kindergartners fall in love with you each year and think everything you do is magic? Don't you want to let her add that kind of magical relationship to her life? You would still have the mom magic, and her teacher would have "teacher magic." A good template for the next 12 years!

  14. I have two daughters six years apart. I teach kindergarten in a small urban private school. We sent my oldest to another school for kindergarten. I missed her. My youngest I taught her kindergarten like I teach all my kindergarteners. She was part of my school family. I'm not telling you that it was easy and I had a supportive husband that knew that I was a teacher at school and a mother at home. One of the beginning days of that school year (you know that time where they just blurt out needs or want to tell you something without taking turns), Megan called out mom in class a few times I didn't mean to ignore her call out but I did however when she called me Mrs. Dailey I answered. No she does not call me Mrs. Dailey but she and I knew at that time we had a working relationship. We also knew their would be times that "What happened at school stayed at school" and vice-versa. Not that I did not tell my husband. My husband would ask Megan everyday what happened in school and she would answer for herself on what she thought was important. My husbands conversations were more private about our days so it worked for our family. That year was a great year for us. I liked that I was able to teach her the values I feel our important in those beginning years. It was like home schooling but with the benefits of social growth of a class room. Good Luck! You seem like a wonderful teacher and I have follow your BLOG for quite a while and I love your attitude and spirit.

  15. She will have the best of you during the day! Amber -kindergarten rocks blog

  16. Oh honey, your post is music to my ears! I am in the same boat. My son is entering kindergarten next year. I teach in a rural school with three wonderful K teachers. It's the school he should go to, even if I weren't a teacher. So what do I do? I had a heart to heart with my principal about what I thought the pros and cons are of him being in my class. I fully trust the other two teachers and know he would thrive in their rooms, but would love to have him at the same time. I've just decided to let my principal and God be the deciding factors. My principal knows my position on it, and I know it's all going to work out the way it's supposed to. I look forward to keeping up with your similar situation!
