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Sunday, June 2, 2013

June Currently

I am so excited it’s June because I am on SUMMER VACAY! I’m linking up with Farley for her currently series!



June cur

Thinking: I have SO many things on my To DO list. I want to revise my Vertical Behavior Chart, do a classroom theme pack, finish my RTI units, start and finish something new I’m brewing up! Whew!!! And I plan on knocking these out on the 1 day my girl goes to school!

Wanting: I gotta get this house done. I have LOTS of painting so I need to get busy.

Needing: A nap…nuff said!

Hope you will link up!


  1. Found you through the linky :)

    I'm wanting to decorate too! Unfortunately at my house, lots of cleaning comes before! Enjoy your summer :)

    Sliding into First!

  2. Can't wait to see what you create this summer! I have a crazy long To-Do List too, especially organizing my office!

    Fun in PreK-1

  3. Found you through the linky! I feel like my TO-DO list resembles Santa's list! It just keeps going and going! LOL Good luck with your painting and I hope you are having a fabulous nap! :)
    Learning 4 Keeps

  4. I was needing a nap today, too! My neighbors power washed their house and it was just too loud for a nap! :/
