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Monday, December 31, 2012

I'm Gonna......

So it's that time again. Time for New Years Resolutions. I'll be honest. I don't usually do these. Why? Because I probably won't keep them! :) But, just for fun I'm going to link up with Jen at The Teachers' Cauldron and try some out! :)

-Lose weight. Okay I say that EVERY year but I gotta do something about it. I need to drop about 25. Before boating season. Okay. I said it outloud. Maybe it will happen.
-Spend more time with my family. I feel like I have gotten much better with this but I go through phases where I am on this computer all.the.time. I have really tried to not get on the computer until after my daughter goes to bed. Well...then I don't speak to my husband all night. There has to be a good mix! I'm gonna find it!

-Be more consistent and blog more. I'm gonna try to write it in my planner and schedule posts for every other dayish. This goal kind-of clashes with spend more time with family. I have to get better at time management!
-Leave comments on other people's blogs. I read them. I do. I just don't comment a lot, but that is going to change! I know I love getting comments so I am sure others do too!
I hope you will link up with Jen. I'll be back tomorrow with a few new units I have created!

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