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Monday, November 19, 2012

Writer's Workshop

I have a confession.....I have always thought my "writing program" stunk. Like really stinky. I've never felt like it was one of my strong teaching areas. If I had good writers I contributed it to, they were really bright kiddos and had a good imagination. And really, until a few weeks ago, most of my "writing program' consisted of penmanship and grammar. That was until....I found this:


I swear y'all. This is AWESOME and worth every penny. I am in love. I will admit. I had my reservations. Mainly that it was too late in the year to start this with them, but WOW! I am no longer doing penmanship during writing nor am I telling them what to write about. This unit shares day by day EXACTLY what to do. Now, I'm not usually one to like someone telling me how to teach. I have a serious beef with people telling me what and how to teach and not letting me use my own creativity, however, I need this. I needed someone to tell me how to teach writing and my golly - they do it!!!
We have only done Day 1, 2, and 3 but mercy me. I wanted to cry when day 1 I had to stop them from writing. Yes, you heard me right. I had to tell them writing time was over! They are so eager to share their writing and I am So thank you Deanna and Deedee. I will forever be grateful! Here are a few pictures of my kiddos in action.


If you are looking for a writing program, I highly suggest this unit and the other units they have to follow!


  1. I purchased it too and love it! Having them write aboout what they love helps them to write more. At this age we just need to help them see that they can write!


  2. I have all three units and love how simple they are to use, and how much growth I've seen with my kiddos so early in the year. Now it's just making sure I have time to do Writer's Workshop every day!

    Kindergarten Kel

  3. Thank you ladies!!! I'm so glad you like the units! I have found that when the sweeties have the choice on what to write, their energy for writing seems endless!

    Thank you Sarah for your kind words!

  4. There are times when I ask them to write in a genre (like opinions... that will be unit 4) but I always give them freedom to pick their own topic in writer's workshop. Most of the time, I also let them pick their genre too... but I might suggest they try other genres (narrative, all about, lists...). Does that make sense?

    Prompt writing (which is super important in the older grades can be taught during other times of the day.
