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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

As promised....A Freebie

I think I promised a freebie to go with my Dr. Seuss unit, but I'll be honest. I'm Dr. Seussed out! I worked on that unit for so long that I was seeing The Cat in the Hat run around my house. I have all of my Dr. Seuss things pulled, ran, and laminated so I am ready to move on to St. Patrick's Day! It is my FAVORITE holiday (at school anyway). I LOVE it. Why you ask? Because my favorite color is GREEN! I can't get enough of it. I seriously own NO red, orange, purple, or yellow clothing. Like none. My closest consists of green, black, green, black, pink, green, pink, and green.
We do it up big time for St. Patty's day. As in we do the leprechaun traps and all. We have really good parental involvement so these traps are so good! (As in dad does it all and it takes a Masters degree to figure out how to work it.) Here is the note I send home asking for traps. You can grab yours by clicking on the note.

That sneaky little booger starts visiting about a week before the big day. One day he leaves shamrock confetti, one day he messes up DESTROYS the room, one day he leaves us little treats (necklaces and glasses), and the last day he leaves his little green footprints all over the room. We have to go on a hunt and find clues until we come back to the room and he left us his pot of gold (chocolate coins). They love it and I find it so sweet that they totally think he is real!
We also graph Lucky Charms cereal and answer questions. My kiddos love graphing (especially if it involves food). Click on one of the photos below to grab your FREEBIE in my store. I would love it if you would follow me and leave me some feedback if you grab it! Thanks!


  1. Great freebie! We are actually not in school the week of St. Patrick's Day (Spring Break) but I can't wait to use this before we go on break!

    ✪ Miss W

    Miss W Teaches

  2. I used your graphing activity today and my class LOVED IT! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!
