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Friday, January 13, 2012

Guess what I got?????

A   snow    day. A    snow    day. A    snow    day. (Did you see my snow day dance?) I am SUPER excited. Not only because I get to be home with little bit, but I just figured out something last Tuesday. I have had a doctors appointment with my endocrinologist (2 hours away) for 3 months. It was scheduled for next Wednesday. No biggie, right? Well, it was supposed the 100th day of school!!!! I was TORE UP that I was going to miss this big day. I LOVE my substitute. She was a parent of one of my kiddos last year and was my assistant's sub for 3/4 the year last year so I totally trusted she could do it, but I was so upset I was missing this big day for my kiddos. I don't have to!!!!!!!! Woop Woop! So I get a 6 day weekend. Huh? Yep, today's snow day created a 4 day weekend for us. I'm out Tuesday for a root canal (no fun I know) and then my doctors appointment on Wednesday. So, on my agenda today.....
-finish that unit and post it with a freebie
-clean this house for a showing ( I'm sick of this)
-spend time with my little girl
-catch up on blogs

We didn't get much snow, but roads were super slick and it is like -20 outside (okay, not really but close..I think it feels like 4 or something). I teach in a real rural county...we get out if it spits snow! Either way, it's too cold to get out so I am cozied up in my sweatsuit! What are ya'll doing?


  1. Ahhh, I'm enjoying this snow day too! I'm just now making it out of bed.

    So glad that you're not going to miss the 100th day! I'd be so sad if I had to miss. I probably would have scheduled the celebration for another day if I had to be out!! I tell my kids it's the best day ever since it's a math holiday.

    I'm working on the exchange today. I'll be emailing ya! :) Good luck on the showing!!

    Ms. Preppy's Adventures in Primary and Polka Dots

  2. Yep, Snow day in Michigan too! I posted a freebie to celebrate, now I'm hanging out in the jammies catching up on paperwork for IEPs I did yesterday! I can always use an extra day to get caught up!!! Glad your enjoying your day :)

  3. I got a snow day too!! I am enjoying my day so much! I can always use an extra day off!!

    I am glad you won't have to miss the 100th day. I would be so sad if I had to miss. I agree with Ms. Preppy, I would have to reschedule the celebration.

    Hope you are enjoying your day!
    The First Grade Dream

  4. We had a "Snow Day" at school! (We talked about Winter and then did some pretend "snow" activities today). It doesn't snow in Texas, so we have to play make believe! Glad you had a fun real snow day! :)
    Crayons and Curls
