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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gettin' crafty in room 205

We've been getting our craft on in Room 205. I love Christmas and all of the fun crafts we do!!! I stole borrowed a few ideas from Pinterest and blogs and I love them! Here are our Santas to hang in the room. I found these on Pinterest.

Here are the elves that hold their letters to Santa. This came from First Grade Blue Skies. Seriously??? Aren't they the CUTEST things you've ever seen. Oh my word...they make me smile everytime I pass them!

This one cracks me up! An ipad? Seriously? She is so funny!

Last, here are the shirts we make each Christmas.

We make these and wear them the last day at our party. Following class parties, our school meets in the gym to sing Christmas Carols before we go home with the parents. Each grade stands up and leads the school in a carol.  Can you guess which song Kindergarten sings? They love it! I actually add bows to make pigtails on the girls. They are so stinkin' cute!


  1. Your elves turned out so cute!! Thanks for the shout out!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. I had given you the Blog On Fire award..but forgot to tell you!! Come check it out :)

    Kindergarten Smiles

  3. Those shirts are so cute!!! Thanks for sharing! ...and thanks for stopping by my blog!! :)

    Kindergarten Is A Hoot

  4. I love the pinterest santa and did something similar in my classroom but used basic shapes to reinforce skills I've been teaching to my ELL students. I hope to post pics on my blog soon, this is all so new to me but I'm so excited to be a part of this wonderful community of bloggers :)

    {I am your newest follower btw}


  5. That Santa is so adorable! I just found your ADORABLE blog and am your newest follower! I would love for you to come follow me and grab LOTS and LOTS of *freebies*! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

    Heather's Heart
