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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Freebie and exciting news

After seeing Caitlin's freebie the other day, I realized I have a very similar one that I have been using in my classroom and haven't shared. It is crazy how much we are alike. Years ago, I started printing games like CRAZY from  If you haven't checked out her site, you should. It is AMAZING! The kids loved those games, so I created many of my own for each season. They are basically played the same way, just different themes. Here is my BOO! game for letter recognition.

Just click on the picture to get it! If you like it, I also have a more challenging one in my Teacher's Notebook store for CVC words! Check back in November for GOBBLE and in December for Ho! Ho! Ho! (Do you sense a small addiction?)
In other news, Caitlin and I are SO excited!!!!!! We have over 50 participants and TONS of giveaways set up starting soon. The giveaways are only for Holly Bloggy Christmas participants, so join in the fun by emailing us at  We would still love to get more sponsors who are willing to donate $5 to TOYS FOR TOTS and submit a teacher resource that we can email to all participants on Christmas morning in their "virtual stocking".


  1. Thanks for sharing this freebie! It will go great with my pumpkin/letter collection!

    ❤Mrs. McKown
    Little Literacy Learners

  2. I am going to use this freebie this week!
