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Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet the Teacher Monday

I'm so excited to be joining Blog Hoppin' Teacher Week 2011. Today, Monday, is Meet the Teacher.

Tell us a little something about you....
I'm Sarah and I teach Kindergarten. I am 32 and have been married to my husband Dave for 4 years. We have a 2 year old daughter Lilly who is the light of my life. I adore that girl so much I can HARDLY stand it. I LOVE crafting and love to sew. I love to make my daughter clothes that I cannot afford (think Matilda Jane). I am totally addicted to crafts. I own an embroidery machine, sewing machine, and now a Cricut. It's kinda ridculous. My husband is a home builder so we move every 2-3 years. Our house is currently on the market. I'm ready for a new home. I love to shop...seriously love to shop. It is a problem...ask my hubby. I love to play on the internet. I probably do that 1-2 hours a day. I don't watch much TV (because I'd rather be on the internet) but I do love Modern Family. It's my fave. My favorite colors are pink and green. My couch is lime green and my curtains are a shade of pink.

How long have you been teaching?
This is my 10th year teaching Kindergarten. I taught 1/2 day Title 1, 1/2 day Kindergarten my first 2 years, but when our school district went full time, I got to teach 5 year olds all day. I LOVE my job...seriously love it. I teach in a small rural school. We have awesome kiddos and awesome parents.

You might not know....
I HATE to cook. Really hate it. Totally don't have an interest in it. It's not that I am horrible, it is just that there are so many things I would rather be doing. I can never think of anything fix or even get for my husband to fix. He does enjoy cooking, but I can never think of things to get at the grocery store for him to cook. I think it is so much easier (but not cheaper) to eat out. Every year I promise I'm gonna get better, but I never do.

What are you most looking forward to this year?
A year of new beginnings. We have a new principal and a new curriculum specialist. I was initially very nervous about the new principal because well...he is new. Notice I said, he...that was new too. So far....LOVE him. He is fabulous and I am very happy! :) I an excited to see changes be made and looking forward to what that brings!

What do you need to improve?
Time management. Not necessarily at school, but at home. I am a morning person. I get up at 5:30 and am at school by 6:30 so that I get an hour of quiet time before school starts. I am pretty good at being out the door at 3:15 when we can leave. After that time management goes out the window. I feel bad for not being with my daughter all day so I want to spend every moment with her until she goes to sleep. That leaves me 1 hour and 1/2 to do everything...get ready for the next day, pack lunches, school bags, sew, laundry, dishes, pick up, play on internet. There...I said it. What really happens is I sit down at the computer and get to blogging and pinteresting (is that a word) and that is all she wrote. I get nothing done...nadda. I want to make so many things for Lilly but it just doesn't get done. I have to get better at that!

What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?
My ACTIVboard. I've had it for 4 years and I seriously cannot do without. LOVE it!!!!

My Crayola markers. I grade papers, create checklist, write parents notes, etc with my markers. Love 'em! - I just got a subscription and I use it to create worksheets, games, etc DAILY. Love it!

Diet Mt. Dew - I know it is not a teaching supply, but I can't be a teacher without it!

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