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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Math Center love!

I cannot believe my fall break is in 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks! Where does time go. We have been in school since August 6th so we are in a good routine and things are just humming along nicely. I love my class this year. It is funny how every year I think there is no way I will love this years class as much as last years class. I'm wrong. Every year. They are just precious!
We do literacy centers in the morning and math centers in the afternoon. They love both, but they especially love math centers. I have 12 math centers and they visit each once during the week. (Three centers 4 X a week.) I don't have a "meet with me" math group, which allows me to just rotate around and help those who need it. Today I just watched as they did their thing. It warms my heart so much! Here they are in action.

All About 10...with the watches! My kids LOVE these watches!!!!! I'm so glad I have them for numbers to 20!




We have loved Doodlebugs Color Word unit. This is our last week using it!

Most of these units are from my Number Fun 1-10 unit, which is one of my best sellers!

We have learned numbers 1-10 in our Math in Focus curriculum and are moving on next week!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Currently September

How is it already September? I'm not complaining. Once school starts summer is over for me so I am READY for Fall. My FAVORITE season! I'm linking up with Farley for her Currently linky party!

LOVING - I sooo enjoyed this weekend. It rained most of the weekend so I did a lot of relaxing!

WANTING - I'm dying to get my fall decorations out. Hubby says it's too early. (I think he is in denial that boating season is over and it's September!) Fall is my FAVORITE season.

NEEDING - I feel like I say this every Currently...but I gotta get serious about my diet. It's out of control!

3 TRIPS - I'm dying to go to Vegas...mainly for I Teach K and not to gamble! :)  Would love to go to Maine and Hawaii. Maine in the fall to look at houses. Doubt I can do the plane trip to Hawaii...I don't like to fly!

I hope you will link up too!!!