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Friday, June 6, 2014

Five for Friday

I'm liking up with Kacey for Five for Friday today.

I'm soaking up this summer with this one. We make a pretty good team and had a great 1st week together!

I've been doing a lot of this and I look forward to a lot more!!!

I'm finishing up parts of my house that need to be completed. I haven't hung pictures yet and it's been a year. It's a commitment problem, BUT I've decided on a collage about my couch. This pretty thing from Z Gallerie will be among the mix! Loving him!
Uh...look how adorable this shirt is! One of my sweeties wore it the last day of school and I about died. I immediately got on my phone and ordered my little one for her last day of K next year!!! Wanna know where I got it! Justice.  (Ok...I despise that store. Sorry. Personal opinion. I try to stick to Crewcuts, GAP, Target, Carters for my little one. The less I can expose her to that store the better it is for me. She likes sparkly and so much!)

One of my summer goals is to complete a bunch of TPT units. This puppy is up first. I've been working on it for a few months...just haven't had time to finish it!!! Hopefully it will be up next week!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Are You Ready for Kindergarten??

I recently had the opportunity to review a new product from Lakeshore Learning (one of my FAVORITE companies). They recently released a whole series of ARE YOU READY? games. These are designed like a game show, but for play at home (or school).

I had the opportunity to review the Are You Ready For Kindergarten? game since my daughter will be headed to kindergarten next year.

Here are the pieces that are included: a gameboard, Math and Language Arts cards, Bonus Cards, Cash and Coupons!
She was SO excited to play. Like begged for days to open it!

You place 1 card of each value in the gameboard to set it up.

The player choses a card.

They answer the question on the card.

And earn money for getting it correct. (Her favorite part.)
There is also a check list for students to check which problems they got correct. Later you can go to the internet, enter their data, and it will give you printables and links to products that can help your child work on those skills.

All in all, this game was fun! My little girl is headed to kindergarten in the fall and she enjoyed it. Most questions she ACED so it is definitely for preschool students headed to kindergarten, although it would be appropriate for my lower entering K students to use even in December. Here was a more challenging question. Not that it is challenging, but the wording was new to her.

This game was perfect for a single user. I also think it could be used in small groups as well. I would laminate the money and make copies of the checklist cards before using in the classroom. I really wish I had the 1st grade game to use in my classroom at the end of the year The kiddos would love it!
Do you want to try one of these games? You can and earn $10 off your purchase! Just click here  to get this game for $10 off! This discount is only good until July 31st! Happy Shopping!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My Summer Bucket List

Woo Hoo! I am a little late to the party...but I am FINALLY on Summer Vacation!!! My last day was last Thursday!!! Unfortunately, it should have been the 16th but we all know the story..SNOW! We have about 7 weeks off before I head back for PD. I have a lot I want to accomplish this summer so I'm joining Deanna's linky party.

1. Spend as much quality time with this little girl. She will SERIOUSLY be in Kindergarten next year. I have NO idea where time goes. Please tell me if you know. I think it is really hitting me hard because I know Kindergarten like no other. I know they aren't babies that means she isn't a baby anymore! :(

2. Organize and finish this home. We have been in it for a little over a year and there are still some things that need to be finished and a few rooms that need to be completed.

3. Finish the 4 big products for TPT that I have been working on ALL YEAR LONG. I just can not get it done during the school year. I can not wait to get it all completed and in my store!

4. Go to this LOVELY place with my husband. So excited and can not wait to relax. (Although it will be the longest by far that I've ever left my little one!)

5. Plan a better organizing system for my classroom. I want to be better organized with my student data, notes, etc. I'm not sure if I will complete it or I will purchase something from TPT but it has to be done! I've been pinning!!!

6. Organize my classroom library. I am going to be sorting it by genre and by reading level. I've pinned lots of great ideas...just gotta get it done!

7. CRAFT and SEW....I've got lots of sewing projects on the back burner but it's time to complete them. I am basically vinyling my whole classroom this year so I need to get that silhouette out and get busy!!!

8. Blog more. My poor blog has been neglected lately. I'm going to try to make an effort to blog at least 4 times a week. I enjoy it so much but it has been the last thing on my list. I miss my readers and I miss reading blogs!!!

9. Diet and Exercise. I did T25 before school ended and started dieting. I lost a little weight and felt better. I'm back on the diet wagon today and well, exercise.....maybe it will come too!

10. Relax. That's a hard one for me. I don't relax well at all, but I'm going to try and really enjoy the summer!

It's rainy here today so maybe I should start with organizing the inside of this house!