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Monday, January 20, 2014

Will we ever have a 100th day? and XOXO

I'm not sure if the 100th day of school will ever get here?? We had a surprise snow day (I love those) last Friday so now it is scheduled for the 28th...but WAIT. We are expecting 1-2 inches tonight (which is more than enough to shut us down) so we will see. I have to say I am thrilled we had 1 extra snow day. It just so happened that originally our 100th day and career day at our school was on the same day. Career day is a great event, but it takes up 1/2 the day. Every Kindergarten teacher knows that you need a WHOLE day to get everything in!!!
I didn't get my peek at the week up. Not because I'm lazy, but because I was being crafty. I LOVE to sew. I REALLY do...but it takes a back seat to teaching, being a mom, TPT, life, etc. I saw this tutorial on how to recreate these Anthropology $148.00 (EACH) pillows.

So I went to town. Just like the girl in the tutorial...I chose gray because well...I'm a little obsessed now. are my pillows. (And I made them all for $27.00!) back to school. This week we are continuing (week 3) short vowels, so we are still using my Winter Word Families unit.
Also, I am SUPER excited about this great preschool deal from Educents. You are probably thinking..preschool? Why would you want preschool? Well, sad as it baby girl is headed to Kindergarten next year. This unit is GREAT for little ones headed to K next year. I'm starting to work with her at home so that I can make sure she is SUPER ready! Click below to grab your copy!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Peek At My Week

I'm back for a Peek At My Week! Shocked I know! We actually ended up having 2 snow days last week, so a couple of the centers we moved to this week. Because of our 3 day week and little time to plan, we needed something quick and fast for this week...thank goodness for Annie Moffett's units!!! This week we are doing Short i word families from my Winter Word Family Units. I'm looking forward to a 5 day week and getting back into some sort of routine with these kiddos!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Peek At My Week and Brrrrrr

So, I'm curious. What are you doing tomorrow? Are you headed back after the winter break? Have you already been back last week and you are start a full week tomorrow? Or...are you out for snow/cold? We should be headed back for our 1st full week tomorrow. (We went back Thursday and Friday.) HOWEVER....we have a snow/cold day. So as of Friday we were told 5-8 inches. We got maybe an inch, but...the wind chill is supposed to be -30 (and we NEVER have negatives here)! BRRRRRRR.
As soon as we do return, will begin my Winter Word Families in literacy centers.

We are going to begin working on short a family next week. This unit will last 5 weeks, as we go through each vowel! Same activities for each vowel so they know the expectations.

I'm finally back to link up with DeeDee for her Peek at My Week linky party. Here are my Literacy and Math centers for next week (or whenever we return!)

Need more ideas for this week? Check out DeeDee's linky party!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy Near Year and Currently

Happy New Year!!!!

Well, almost another month went by and no blogging from me! :( Sorry friends. December got the best of me, as I know it did everyone. I have thoroughly enjoyed my break, although sadly it ends for me tomorrow! I SO wish we had off until next Monday like a lot of folks. (Although they are calling for an inch of it is possible we will be off!) Since we just have a 2 day week, we won't be doing literacy center rotations and small reading groups. We will take some time to review rules, discuss what we did over the break, and enjoy getting back into routines. Instead, we will be doing these activities the next 2 days!

This small unit contains 5 literacy and 5 math centers. Here is a little of what you will see in this unit (all centers come with recording sheets as well):

Sentence Scramble

Count and Record (1-10 or 11-20)

Syllable Count

Sight Words in ABC Order
Unscramble the sight word

You will also find centers for skills covering CVC words, counting, on, greater than or less than, graphing, and ordering numbers from least to greatest. This is the perfect unit to get your kids started back in the New Year!!!! Grab it by clicking on any of the pictures above!

I also wanted to join Farley in her Currently series. I tried to do it some last year. I hope I can remember to do it each month this year! :)

It is SUPER cold here and I am very thankful for my warm home!!!
This year so SOOOOOOOOOOOO magical for Lilly with her elf and Santa. She was TOTALLY into it and couldn't wait each day to see where her elf was and what he had been up to! I wish I could put that age into a bottle and hold on to it forever!!!!!
I hope you will link up with Farley too!!! I'll be back sooner rather than later!