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Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Peek At My Week

I'm back for my weekly Peek At My Week. I have to say I am SO proud of myself for keeping up with this! This is a short week for us. Thank goodness our district had mercy on us and made the day after Halloween a PD day.... no crazy sugared up sweet kiddos! I decided to make a couple of changed to my plans for you to view. I took out the daily schedule with what I do whole group. I know that when I go to look at everyone's peek...I'm looking for center ideas. That is what I look at and often end up clicking on and purchasing. I felt like the first 2 pages were repetitive and I didn't have a lot of detail in them so - I thought I would try this. Please let me know if you like this or you would rather have the whole thing! I'm still tweaking and it isn't quite where I want it be yet!

Since it is a 4 day week, we aren't doing some centers twice (like usual). I'm looking forward to a CRAZY fun week! I'll be back later with pics from our red ribbon week!!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Red Ribbon Week

It's that time again....Red Ribbon Week. Look. I have a love/hate relationship with that week. First of all...I am ALL ABOUT what it promotes. Seriously. Love it. I hate drugs. Despise them. I am proud to say I have NEVER tried a drug. Ever. I don't understand why someone would even try it. The thought of my sweet kinders ever getting involved with that stuff scares me to death. And since we (as in our tri-state) is like the meth capital OF THE WORLD....I have every right to be concerned. I love that the kiddos get a chance to celebrate being drug free. I love that we discuss what drugs can do to their life. My hate part....the HYPE that comes with it. As if Halloween doesn't make those kiddos CRAY CRAY enough...we add in dress up days for a week before. Whew Wee! Let me tell ya. It's enough to throw me off the deep end. But hey! It's not all about me, is it? Our school guidance counselor does a wonderful job with Red Ribbon Week. Here are our themes this year:

I may or may not have gone to Wal-Mart tonight to stock up on goods for the week. I'll share pictures of my team in our outfits from the week later. What do you have planned?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pumpkin Fun

We had  much fun on Friday. We blew all routines out the water and had a day full of PUMPKIN FUN! math centers and no literacy centers. These kiddos work so hard everyday that they deserve some off the wall fun (while I sneak in some learning!)

We have been discussing how a pumpkin grows all week with pictures and books. Today it was the REAL deal. We pass around pumpkin seeds (and ate some) as well as a pumpkin vine with yellow flower! They loved it!

I love this picture of him looking into the flower!

Then my assistant cut it open and we explored the inside!

Eek! They loved it!

We did a lot of fun pumpkin activities from Deanna Jump's Pumpkin Patch Palooza unit.
They loved her little reader.

I enjoyed the assessment with this activity of the life cycle of a pumpkin.

Each student brought in their own small pumpkin and explored the pumpkin. They measured the circumference and height, counted the lines, predicted if it would sink or float.....LOVED!

This is a little activity that I have been doing for years. I save it for their scrapbook.

One of my student's mom's makes these cookies. She offered to make pumpkin cookies for our pumpkin day. Oh. I. Die. They were DELICIOUS!!!

We ended our day by painting our pumpkins. So much fun!

Oh. And you know you had fun when you look like this at the end of the day!!!
That's my teaching partner. Crack me up. We laughed for hours!!!!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Peek At My Week and 2 FREEBIES!!!

Well, this week about whipped my booty! A return from a week at the beach, a 12 hour shift including parent/teacher conferences, a full moon, and a day FULL of pumpkins - whew! My body or brain was not ready for that. Thankfully, I have the sweetest class ever and they were very good! Here is my Peek at the Week. Lots of great units from my good blogging buddies!

I ADORE that Halloween writing from TGIF! I swear it is the cutest! Having said kiddos aren't NEAR where my kiddos used to be at this time. We are implementing a new reading series and it is a lot slower than I have done in the past. It might be a little hairy...but we will get it!!!!

I have 2 freebies for you. Click on my plans above, and download the PDF from Google. It will then have clickable links to take you to my 2 freebies - 5 Little Pumpkins Book and Halloween Ordering! I'm linking up with Deedee for her Peek at my Week Linky party!

I'll be back tomorrow with a close look at our Pumpkin Day from Friday with lots of pictures. Including a big WHOOPS picture. Also to come this week. A look at our Red Ribbon Week this year!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Peek At My Week and a tiny freebie

I'm linking up with Mrs. Wills for her Peek At the Week Linky Party again!!!

This week we are doing a fall/pumpkin theme before we break out the Halloween next week! We have lots of great activities planned with a whole PUMPKIN DAY on Friday. The kiddos are so excited about breaking the routine and doing pumpkin activities ALL DAY LONG!!!

Here are my plans for the week. We are doing a roll and write in Word Play and it is a freebie for you!

Included in this unit, is my new It's Fall Y'all unit! Here are a few things included in this unit:
Count and Clip

Sentence Scramble

Tens Frame Fun - Write the Room
Count and Record

Don't forget that everything in my store is on sale 20% and you can use TPT code FB100K for an additional 10% off!!! Stock up now!!!!

Thank Shuna for the adorable button!



Saturday, October 12, 2013

Relaxed and a Sale

Well, I have returned from my week of relaxation in Destin. I was a bit worried little miss Karen would ruin it, but no! It was BEAUTIFUL. Now that I am all relaxed and tan, I can get back to business.
I was excited to return home to find out that TPT has reached 100K followers on Facebook. In celebration, they are throwing a sale using the code FB100K. To join in the celebration, I too am having a sale! I have marked everything 20% off in my store! That equals a 28% savings for you!!!! Don't you love a surprise sale? I do! (Lucikly, I saved some of my $ from my trip and can buy too!) Need help shopping? Let me help you! :)

I just uploaded my new It's Fall Y'all unit! Check back tomorrow on more about it in my Peek at the Week.
My "Count of Halloween" unit. A great number book to do throughout the month and sing it as a song!

 Halloween Fun packed with literacy and math centers!

And since it is a's a great time to stock up on big bundled units like my RTI units!

I've linked up with Freebilicious. Lots of my friends are throwing sales as well! I'm ready to stock up!!! Make sure you use "FB100K" to receive the additional 10% off my 20%!!! I sometimes forget that!