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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It's a Sale!

I'm sure you have heard about the Teachers Are Heroes sale tomorrow! Tomorrow also happens to be payday for me. Coincidence? I. Think. Not. :)

I have my wishlist loaded up and ready to go! Do you? I have my store marked down 20% tomorrow. Type in HEROES when you check out (and don't forget that...because I have before) to get an additional 10%!!! I have updated a few items in my store just in time.
My Happy Birthday Silly Cat unit is newly updated with 8 Literacy AND 8 Math centers. You can check out a preview video on my facebook page.

I have also recently updated my Lucky You! St. Patrick's Day unit! It includes 7 Literacy AND 7 Math Centers. 

A sale is always a great time to get my Letter Grab and Go Bundles...great for RTI! 
Go get your wish list ready!!!! Have fun shopping!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

That Silly Cat!

Well, I have enjoyed 4 snow days off this week. I love a good snow day or 2, but a week? We got 8 inches then got another 2. We had fun on Monday and Tuesday but yesterday and today the temps have been no more snow play. I have been able to update a few of my units. One of the first units I created was my Silly Cat (you know who) unit. It was originally a certain famous author unit but since that is a big NO NO...I changed it to Happy Birthday Silly Cat!

 It contains 8 literacy and 8 math units for your kindergarten or 1st grade classroom. I originally planned on doing this theme next week and then the week of Dr. Seuss' birthday but since we have missed all week and I already had everything planned.....we will just being doing 1 week! Here is a little sneak peek of my updated unit!

I love this week. We usually have dress up days and our cafeteria makes a special snack! I'm sure we will do many of the things we did last year.  I love to read Dr. Seuss' books to the kiddos. It is super good for those kiddos who still can't rhyme. So...what do you do for Read Across America Week?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day Recap

Well, I don't know about you but it was a CRAZY (and long) week! We had a reading night at school (until 7:30), parent teacher conferences (until 6:00) and then Valentine's Day party on Friday. The kiddos were super excited and we had a fun day! Here is a little of what we did!
On Friday, we passed out our Valentines.

We did this SUPER cute activity from Curriculum Castle. They loved it!.

We also did our Valentine Conversation Heart Graphing. (Note to self: Next year....change the white to blue. The boxes I bought this year didn't have white but blue instead!)

We ended our day with a fun party. Here is the picture I used for Scrapbooks this year.

I'm super excited because we are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow. Like significant snow. We had so much last year I was SICK of it, but I've been DYING for a good snow this year! I think it's coming!!!!! Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Currently February

I'm linking up with Farley again for her currently series!

Listening: I don't even know what he is watching! I'm trying to finish up on the computer so I can go play with little bit!
Loving: My newest Stitch Fix I got on Friday. Y'all. I haven't had a stitch fix in a long time. The last time I tried the service, they were relatively new. I would put in a for a box and it would be over a month before it would come. I'm quite impatient and didn't love it! Now....they are FAST people. I put in a for a box and literally got it in like 5 days! 5 days people!!!! I'm always amazed that they are spot on. When I get a pair of jeans I think there is no way they will fit. They've never seen me! They were PERFECT!!!!! I don't know about you but I don't have time to shop these days. I love that they send me things that I would never find in my hometown. I love that I can try it on in my room and send it back in my mailbox with no shipping costs! If you haven't tried Stitch Fix, I really encourage you to give it a try! It's hassle free and super cute clothes!

Thinking: Y'all. We have the SLOWEST internet on earth. When we moved in our house, I was silly and signed a 2 year contract with Dish. We only get so much internet usage and then they "slow us down". WHAT??? We are finally get faster, unlimited internet on Tuesday. I cannot WAIT to watch some Netflix!
Wanting: To buy EVERYTHING in the new Matilda Jane release that came out today. Eek! I'm dying. (And so is my wallet!)

Needing: A great Valentine Craft. I can't find anything I just love! Got ideas??

Pageant Name: I don't know anything about pageants. I've never been a pageant girl. I'm thinking Know-It-All Sweetie??? Probably not a name that would help me win, but I'm just being honest!

Also, I am having a SuperBowl Sale in my TPT store! If you are anything like me, you would MUCH rather shop on TPT than watch the Superbowl!!! :)