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Sunday, November 30, 2014


I know I'm a little late to the party, but it is still November so I want to share what I'm thankful for.
I  am so thankful for this little family of mine. I am very blessed I know.

I am thankful for my relationship with my parents. They are the best. I am so thankful for them and what they do for us. We took a weeklong trip to Disney all together all the time and not one bad word was said. (Well...okay so hubby may have been cursing me for constantly saying "HURRY! We are gonna miss our fast pass!!")

I am thankful for a job I LOVE. There are not many people who say they love their job! I do. I love my kiddos, my school, my teaching partners.

I am thankful for my warm home and car. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for TPT. It has been such a blessing to us (and my shopping habits). I am thankful for you. Readers who are supportive and amazing! that I am caught up we can continue to December. I LOVE Christmas and everything it holds! My little girl's Elf comes tomorrow, we begin her advent calendar, and this week my class will have their first elf experience! YAY!

I am, of course, participating in the TPT Cyber Sale. My entire store will be on sale Monday and Tuesday - 20% off. Enter the code TPTCYBER and you will save an additional 10%. That equals 28% off (you can do the math...I just teach Kindergarten!).

(Thanks to Amy Lemons for this ADORABLE button!)

Here is what you can grab and stock up on from my store!!

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Turkey Fun

We did these ADORABLE turkeys from Doodlebugs teaching.Oh. Did I mention it is a freebie???

I swear...they are PRECIOUS! I followed her advice and had a bag for each student with all of their pieces. They cut them out and put them back in their bag. Then they assembled. Do you die from cuteness?

This is my sweet baby's turkey!

Look at that hat! I love it!

Hee. Hee. No neck! I love.

And. Well. You know this kid! :) Makes me smile!

We also completed our large turkey in the hallway. You can read more about that here and get the note to send home. (Maybe for next year!)

What have y'all been up to lately?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Snow Day #1

Yes. We had a snow day. In November. We got 5 inches actually...which is a lot for us. Luckily it was very powdery and the sun was out today so we are going back tomorrow! (Even though it is going to be below 10 degrees in the morning.) I know for some of you up North that is nothing. It's pretty cold for us. In November.
I love a good snow day (preferably in December, January or February) and I got a lot accomplished today. I got my Christmas tree up (don't hate) and played Christmas music all day. That definitely got me in the mood to start planning Christmas in the classroom!
For now though, we are all about the turkey in the classroom! We've been gobbling up some good Thanksgiving Fun.

(And yes...I correct that mistake below)

 Indian Vests for our Thanksgiving Vest

Listening Center - Run, Turkey, Run!

And we did the cutest stinkin' turkey's ever. I'll have to grab pictures tomorrow but I swear...I love 'em!

Need a quick reader to do with your kiddos this week? Grab this freebie in my store!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

November Currently

Hello. Lordy. Where did the month go? I just cannot seem to get a good blogging schedule going! I don't know about y'all about but last week just about killed me! Red Ribbon Week and Halloween...WHEW! That makes for 1 LONG week! We survived and had a blast. I'm ready for a more calming (and shorter) week! I'm linking up with Farley today.

Listening - To my little on watch DocMcStuffins

Loving - The time change. I know I'm weird but I LOVE when we fall back. I love that we gain another hour in the day and I am so excited that it won't be pitch black when we leave for school now. I know it gets dark earlier (but I secretly enjoy that). I won't feel as bad in my pj's at 5:30!

Thinking - I have GOT to finish my November Write the Room today. #1 because we need it in class and #2 I may or may not have not finished my October unit until October 26. Gotta get ahead.

Wanting - I've been on the look for a good pair of black boots that I really like...within my budget. I've not found them but I'm going on a shopping trip next weekend for my birthday!

Needing - To Diet and get serious! Y''s bad.

Reading - Nothing. I LOVE to read but I really don't read a book unless I am on vacation or it is the summer. If I get into a good book I cannot put it down. That means I am up reading a book at 1am on a school night when I am normally in bed by 9:30. 

I hope you will link up with Farley too!